Chapter 1

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HELLO FELLOW READERS! (:  I just wanted to welcome you. I hope you enjoy and like it! Love you! STAY BEAUTIFUL! 


Chapter One:

"Oh my god! You're so dumb! You need to be careful." Jessie said, laughing.

Sydney and I were both laughing, too. I didn't mean to bump into that tree. I slowly started calming down. Jessie was the one laughing hysterically. I didn't really think it was funny anymore, considering the fact I was in pain.

"Jessie, shut up!" I shouted, smiling.

She continued laughing but, I didn't care. I looked at my phone and we only had five minutes to get to class. We were a block away from the school. I looked at my friends and encouraged them to walk a bit faster. 

"Hurry up, guys."

I began speed walking. It was so cold that my legs were numb. Jessie and Sydney were behind me, walking slow and not caring that we'll be late. I'm never late. So, I'm not going to let them break my record. I felt myself starting to jog. I couldn't be late. Getting to school on time was the only goal running through my mind. I was just a few feet away from the door. I rushed over to it quickly, not caring to look behind me to see if Jessie and Sydney were there. I looked at the time and I had less than a minute to get to my art class. I ran through the halls, ignoring the people who were greeting me. The bell rang and I just stepped foot into my class.

"I'm here!" I smiled wide as everyone looked at me.

I really can careless if people think I'm werid. I am who I am and I'm going to express it.

"Nice job, Edwards." Mrs. Green looked at me with a small smirk.

Mrs. Green is one of my favorite teachers. She loves me and I love her class. Art is the only class that I have an A+ in. Just when I sat down in my seat, Sydney walked in.

"Oh. Sorry I'm late." She said with no care.

Mrs. Green gave her a look to just sit down. Sydney then slowly made her way to the seat next to mine.

"You're late. I made it just in time." I smiled wide.

"Shut up, Riley." She pretend to roll her eyes then she smiled.


"I fucking hate this school!" Jessie shouted, "I hate everything and everyone!"

"Well, that's nice." I said sarcastically.

I hate when Jessie does this. Everytime her boyfriend is a dick to her, she takes it out on us. She always starts screaming at us.

Sydney decided to speak up, "Jessie, enough of this bullshit. Break up with him. Riley and I hate him and we've been telling you to break up with this douche for a while now."

I sat there, nodding in agreement.

"You guys don't know what it feels like to be in love." Tears start running down Jessie's face, "And Riley, you shouldn't say anything. You're a virgin whose never even kissed anyone." Jessie got up from the lunch table and stormed off.

I was shocked. Jessie has never spoke to me like that. My mouth was a bit open and my eyes were getting watery.

"Riley, don't let her get to you. She's just mad. You know she didn't mean it." Sydney rubbed my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

That didn't stop the tears that were running down my face. I was seriously hurt. I'm seventeen years old and I still haven't kissed anyone. It does seem pretty lame. Sydney and Jessie have both experienced sexual things with boys. And me, well, I know how to draw a very detailed flower.

Sydney wiped away my tears as I slowly started to smile. Sydney is always there for me and I love her to death. She'll always have my back and I'll always have hers.

"Thanks Sydney." I said, giggling.

She smiled wide and turned back to her food she still hadn't finished. Lunch is over in a few minutes. Next up is Math.


I walked into my Math class and smiled at my teacher who returned the smile.

"Hey Jas." I said taking a seat next to my friend.

She smiled at me then sighed. I'm guessing she's in a bad mood, so I shouldn't really bother her.

"Hello everyone!" I heard a slowly, deep, happy voice. I turned to see Harry looking all happy. Oh, no. He's gonna come mess with me. I looked away trying my best to ignore him. I heard him sit down in the seat behind me. I sighed.

"Hi Riley." He said slowly, trying to get me annoyed.

I turned my head to face him, "What do you want, Harry?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Why do you always assume things like that?" He faked a frown.

"Because you always want something from me." I said, giggling.

He gave me the cutest smile, showing off his dimples. I laughed then turned around. Harry is so weird. I don't even know why Jas went out with him or why he even has a girlfriend. Jas has moved on too and has her own boyfriend, but she's always flirting with Harry. What surprises me, is that Harry flirts back. I wonder if he's girlfriend, Rachel knows that he's still been talking to Jas. Jas is my friend, but everyone can admit that she's a whore.

"So, Riley, how many dicks have you sucked today?" Harry asked, chuckling.

I gave him a gross look. I hate when he does this. He's so perverted and gross.

"Eww! None!"

"Then, wanna suck my dick and I can be your first for today?" He whispered in my ear.

I turned around to see a smirking Harry. I playfully smacked his forehead. He started chuckling. He always does this to me. He annoys me and tries to make me feel uncomfortable.

"I hate you." I whispered.

"I hate you more." He whispered back.

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