Jenna had been best friends with Everett for years. One morning, he leaves her house after one of their weekend sleepovers and she doesn't hear from him for months.
After worrying and worrying, a letter shows up.
Jenna, now alone has to discover wha...
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I stood there in the sidelines of the group we were with, three years of unspoken words I was holding back on my tongue. It was a conversation about some topic I had barely any knowledge of but then, Gina brought up cats. "I'm allergic," he said, no surprise to me almost all of my friends (that were guys) happened to be allergic to cats. "Me too, I mean, I can handle one but two, that's asking for trouble." I laughed. It felt like the whole world went still as Everett stared at me, I smiled at him. Everyone in the schools parking lot seemed to be looking at us, (those in eleventh grade) "Do you have cats now?" He asked. I watched his hands intertwine themselves like they did years ago. "No, my aunt does, I babysit her two boys, sometimes." The rest of the group was silent, he made his way to me, dodging everyone. "My bus is gonna be here soon." I said, "not that I don't want to talk," I looked around, everyone's eyes were off us now.
"I missed you Jenna, I've been trying to talk to you all these years." My heart fluttered, then, I laughed, I laughed because it felt so amazing. "So have I."
It was December first and the letter sat neatly on my dresser. I picked it up, remembering that last night with Everett. I am so lonely without him, I feel as if I will never have company quite like his. My hands were shaking and I couldn't get myself to open it. I took it downstairs, I sat in that chair in front of the window. The water was covered in a layer of ice, snow lay on the ground and trees coated in white and icicle madness. I felt a shift in the air and I opened the letter:
Dear Jenna,
You're probably mad, or I don't know that I've gone away. I'll be around, you might see me somewhere and you'll think it's all in your head. I wish I could've brought you with me, you're my light on the darkest days. The one person who can lift me up is you, I'm not joking. What a coward I must be for telling you this on a piece of paper but, I'd say this all to your face if I could. I have to see the world, and I have to do it on my own. I know I didn't just drop you but everyone and yes, I'm sorry but when I come back, I'll stay for that cup of coffee and many, many more. I knew what you meant by it, and as much as I wanted to stay, I had a plane to catch. You should see Scotland, it's truly a sight. I'm headed to London next. I wonder if it'll be like that vacation in that movie we watched. Also, I'm writing this part of my rough draft as you're looking out the window in your grandparents house. I've always liked your hair down, how did I get you as my person huh? Haha I bet you're laughing now. I swear you've been staring at those mountains for ages, do they ever get boring? I never really look or see things the way you do, maybe it's the artistic mind I lack. You're staring at me now, you have that confused look on your face. You have that look a lot, but I bet I do too. It seems were always confused with each other. Also, you're asking me what I'm writing. You know what I just told you? A letter to a special person. You said back that if it's that important it must be for you, you laughed after you said that but you know what? It's true! You are so special and you don't even know it. I am so grateful that whatever caused us to be together did because I'd be so lost without you.