Jenna had been best friends with Everett for years. One morning, he leaves her house after one of their weekend sleepovers and she doesn't hear from him for months.
After worrying and worrying, a letter shows up.
Jenna, now alone has to discover wha...
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I grabbed my suitcase and Everett grabbed his, we were just two hours from home. Two hours away from the old reality turning new. I couldn't wait to be home, everything was now as it should be. "You ready?" Everett asked. Was I ready? This new part was just as scary as it was exciting but, "yes, yes I am."
We walked to the parking garage, I forgot Everett had his own car, we had to say good-bye one more time before home. "Will you survive without me for two more hours?" He asked moving close to me. "I might, or might not." I laughed copying his move.
We kissed good-bye and he got in his car, he waved to me. It felt like that time he left, when I knew it'd be awhile before I saw him again. I hesitated before getting in my own car, how did everything get me to here? How did everything I'd been through lead me to right now? Was this finally happily ever after? Did those even exist anyway?
I hit the gas, turning out of the parking area and out of the airport and onto the highway. I was by myself, I smiled. Finally, finally I could be happy on my own again. I had gotten Everett back, back to where I needed him to be. He was finally the person I always wanted him to be to me.
I bopped to my favorite tunes, it was Everett and me, for real now. That's all I wanted. I didn't need Adam anymore, I didn't feel heartbroken anymore, I felt love, love for Everett, love for myself. It was such a great feeling, the feeling of hope and relief and so much more.
I would soon be home with Everett and Noel and everything would be perfect, well, almost perfect I was hoping. That's all I wanted now, almost perfect. Almost perfect was perfect enough.
An hour into my drive, I heard sirens racing behind me, I pulled over quickly.
Once the ambulance passed, I drove a little faster than I had before, my nerves tensed.
Please, please don't be him.
Don't ruin this for me.
I saw it, the accident. Everett's blue car, pulled to the side of the road, banged up. My hands shaking as I almost lost control of my car, looking at it.
I pulled over, that's all I could do.
"EVERETT!" I shouted.
"stay back ma'am, stay back." They told me.
"NO!" "NO!" I was screaming, out of control, what had happened to my almost perfect? What had happened to my dreams.
One woman hugged me as I fell into her, I was still screaming while Everett was on a stretcher. My whole world was falling, failing me. The officer that had hugged me helped me into the ambulance. "I'll pray for you," she said.
I hated the world again.
Why did it hate me.
Why did this happen to me.
Just, just why.
I hated that we weren't home, they had rushed Everett into surgery. I didn't even know what it was for because my head was spinning.
I needed to wake up in New York, even if I woke up three months ago before he left. Just not now, not right now.
"Ma'am? Ma'am?"
"Y-yes?" I asked shakily.
"He's out of surgery, stable now." The doctor said.
"T-t-hanks so m-much." I cried. I had let his parents know where we were, I had called my mom in tears, Lucas in tears. His parents would be here soon and so would mine.
I saw them rush through the waiting room doors, "oh, Jenna." They said.
"I'm so sorry!" I cried, "I'm so so sorry!"
His mom hugged me with tears in her eyes.
"Oh, oh honey it's okay." She said, "it's not your fault."
It felt like it.
They went in to see him but I stayed out in the waiting room, "you can come in when you're ready," his dad said. It was five minutes after that when my mom showed up. "Mom," I said. I looked up at her and her face turned sad. "Oh hun," she said. She held me as I cried again.
"This is a nightmare," I said.
"You should go in, he might sense you're there."
"I can't, I'm blaming myself." I cried, "it's my fault."
Mom helped me off the chair and drifted me over to his hospital room door. She opened the door and there were his parents, "Selena's gonna be here shortly," His mom, Isabelle said. I had been trying my hardest not to look at my best friend or, boyfriend. When I did, seeing those machines, his scratched up arms that were paler than usual.
"I'm s-sorry," I said for the millionth time.
"It's not your fault Jenna," His dad, Keith said.
Once I calmed myself down once more, I slowly walked over to the bed. I took Everett's cold hand in mine. "I'm here," I huffed, "I'm right here and I love you."
Everyone in the room fell silent.
I lowered my head, maybe if I hadn't went after him, maybe if I had convinced him to stay.
There was no more time for maybe's.
This was reality.
Selena entered the room, "Mom! Dad!' She shouted. Then, she gasped.
Tears streamed down my face, was this how the story ended?