Jenna had been best friends with Everett for years. One morning, he leaves her house after one of their weekend sleepovers and she doesn't hear from him for months.
After worrying and worrying, a letter shows up.
Jenna, now alone has to discover wha...
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The next day, I walked to the cafe Everett said to go to. It was the afternoon so he probably wasn't there but I wanted to check it out. I walked to it, it wasn't very far away. I swung open the door. The cafe had a nice look to it, white and beige wood walls, plants, chalkboard menu. It was cute. There, in the corner, sitting at a table was a guy typing away on a computer. He looked like the writer type, his glasses pushed all the way down to the edge of his nose.
I ordered a peppermint tea (classic me), before I walked over to him. "You're Chris right? Everett's writer friend?" I asked nervously. "Yeah, and you must be the famous Jenna!" He smiled. He shut his computer, "Everett showed me a picture of you and him and the two of you just fit each other's characters so well." He smiled. "Uh, thanks." This guy sounded proffesional.
"I didn't know you were in New York too," Chris said. "Uh, I just got here last night, I didn't even know for sure if Everett would even be here." I said. "Uh, but your gut must've told you or you probably wouldn't be here," he said. Which was right.
He pulled up a chair and offered for me to sit down so I did, "he told me that if you were to come here earlier than he asked it would mean you were finally in love with him." I turned red. "Um, well."
"Oh, so you found out and headed straight here because you couldn't stop thinking about it?" He asked. "I read things really well, natural gift, if you were gonna ask." Chris was saying everything I had been thinking, it was weird but also cool. "So you use your gift and put it into writing?" I asked. "Yes, I loved reading as a kid and still do and got inspiration to write from them." What he just said was literally the same way writing came to me.
"I feel like that's what happened with me too," I said. Chris and I had been chatting and chatting, it felt like I had known him for a really long time besides right now. Yet, I felt that way about pretty much all of Everett's friends the first time I talked to them. "You're a natural writer then, and I'm assuming you're a natural at everything you do the way Everett went on about you." He laughed.
I said goodbye to Chris and left the cafe, I wondered if Everett had left the hotel I was staying at yet. I fast walked to get there, I had to find him, I really, really had to. I opened the hotel door and ran up to the desk that had the same lady behind it. "Has he left yet?" I asked. She looked up and went to say something but got interrupted. "No, he has not, but you're just in time." Everett said.
I turned behind me, a rush of joy spread across my face when I saw him. I didn't say anything. I just ran up and hugged him. Feeling his arms around me and seeing his smile. I started to cry, I punched him. "You evil jerk, you planned this whole thing out."
"Planned out what?" He smirked, "you know what!"
"And I assume that means, you missed me?" He asked.
I hugged him tighter, "you were gone for like, ever." I said.