N i n e

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Dear Jenna,

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Dear Jenna,

I'm in New York now, currently staying at a hotel. I miss you but this trip was was worth it. You should meet me here and we can spend a bit of time together just us, y'know? I miss hanging out with you, I guess I just wanted a break, it was kinda relaxing I will admit. I missed your corny jokes though and your smile and your laugh.


I was gonna send this a little later but I heard the desk lady say your name through the phone! I guess I didn't have to send this after all but I'll still give it to you. If I'm still not checked into this hotel by the time you get this... I booked into a different one across town (it's cheaper). I can't wait to meet Noel by the way. She sounds like an amazing dog. I finally got you to get one! Ha! Anyways, if you want to meet me I go to this cafe everyday to hangout with my new city friend Chris, the cafe is his writing inspiration. I told him about you and I and you know what Chris said? "Sounds like a worth writing story!" So you know what I think? Jenna, I think you should make a story about us. The real story.

- E

I smiled at the letter, Everett was right, I should write a story about us. I would, someday because this story of ours isn't exactly finished yet.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short but, Chapter ten is gonna be amazing. Hopefully I end up with 1,000 plus words for once. :/

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