Jenna had been best friends with Everett for years. One morning, he leaves her house after one of their weekend sleepovers and she doesn't hear from him for months.
After worrying and worrying, a letter shows up.
Jenna, now alone has to discover wha...
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Dear Jenna,
I'm in New York now, currently staying at a hotel. I miss you but this trip was was worth it. You should meet me here and we can spend a bit of time together just us, y'know? I miss hanging out with you, I guess I just wanted a break, it was kinda relaxing I will admit. I missed your corny jokes though and your smile and your laugh.
I was gonna send this a little later but I heard the desk lady say your name through the phone! I guess I didn't have to send this after all but I'll still give it to you. If I'm still not checked into this hotel by the time you get this... I booked into a different one across town (it's cheaper). I can't wait to meet Noel by the way. She sounds like an amazing dog. I finally got you to get one! Ha! Anyways, if you want to meet me I go to this cafe everyday to hangout with my new city friend Chris, the cafe is his writing inspiration. I told him about you and I and you know what Chris said? "Sounds like a worth writing story!" So you know what I think? Jenna, I think you should make a story about us. The real story.
- E
I smiled at the letter, Everett was right, I should write a story about us. I would, someday because this story of ours isn't exactly finished yet.
A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short but, Chapter ten is gonna be amazing. Hopefully I end up with 1,000 plus words for once. :/