S i x t e e n - Bonus Chapter

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————— Christmas, one year later —————Everett and I were on the couch in our house, it was Christmas morning and we could open all the gifts our family got us

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————— Christmas, one year later —————
Everett and I were on the couch in our house, it was Christmas morning and we could open all the gifts our family got us. We had been together almost a year now, and it was the best year of my life.

A year of being with Everett, a year of being free of everything that had bugged me before. I was righty where I needed to be. "I told you so." He said turning to face me, green eyes that I never got tired of.

"Told me what?" I asked, I had no idea what he was talking about. "I told you that one day we'd live in that big house you were planning and that I'd make you the happiest girl, I told you so."

"You did tell me so, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes, that's what I said."

I laughed, I laughed while we opened Christmas gifts. I watched Everett open one of the ones I gave him, I smiled lightly.

"What is this?" He asked seeing my stare.

"Open it."

So he did, he tore off the paper, and his expression turned into a smile. "You got me a telescope?" He asked.

"We both love the stars," I shrugged.

"That was a good last gift, thanks Jenna." He smiled.

"That was the last one?" I asked, looking around. There was just wrapping paper everywhere. It was the last gift.

"Kidding! I've got one more for you!" He said.

"One more? Everett, I've had enough Christmas gifts and we haven't gone to my parents house yet."

"This one is the best one though," he said.

"I don't think so," I said.

"I need to go grab it, turn around." He said.

"I swear, if it's another dog." I said getting up and turning around.

"Oh, you'll be surprised." He said, "I hope."

I didn't hear him leave, was he just standing there? Standing there, was this a prank?

"Turn around," he said, voice soft.

"I'm scared." I said.

"Just turn around."

It was like the first real kiss we had, everything turned to that slow motion feeling as I turned around. I saw Everett kneeling there, holding a gorgeous diamond ring in a red box.

I felt my hands rise to my face, "Everett!"

"Jenna, we've been friends for a long time. We've been through so much, lost friendship, friendship, heartbreak, a long trip, car accident, but we're here now, and this has been the best year of my life. I couldn't picture myself without you. You are the one. You light up my world and I can't be without you so, will you marry me?"

A million things went through my head at once, everything he had said. Friendship, loss of it, heartbreak, long trip, accident.

Here Everett was in front of me, I never saw this coming. Not now, but I knew what I wanted.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

He put the ring in my finger and we hugged, hugged for the longest time. "I love you Everett." I said.

"I love you too Jenna."

Noel barked as if to say 'and I love the both of you.'

This was, this really was my happily ever after.

For all of the things we've been through.

We deserved this.

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