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It was a warm summer evening. Mommy and daddy were getting ready for the bonfire that our pack had at every full moon. Our pack, the Dark Moon pack was one of the biggest and strongest packs in America, and my parents were the alphas. Mommy told me that this full moon is different than any other, because the moon was not its normal silver colour, but a blood red and only werewolves could see this.

Right before my grandmother died when I was three she told me that she had a vision, that was her gift, every werewolf had one. Grandmother said that the vision was about the first of our kind Enya and Lokis, and that the vision was from Enya. Grandma said that Enya was my wolf and that she wanted to tell me before so she wouldn't scare me when she will show herself for the first time. But I told my grandmother that I understand completely. I really did. I knew that Enya was really important to our kind, and to know that I was her. It’s just unbelievable. 

'Mommy, daddy, are you ready?' I asked.

'Yes honey we are, but could you sit down for a moment?' Mommy replied looking at daddy worriedly.

'Okay' as I sat down, both mommy and daddy took one of my hands into theirs and both of them stared into my eyes.

'Adrianna, I want you to listen carefully, no matter what happens you are going to do as I say, alright?' I nodded and daddy continued.' We want you to hide in the walk in closet between mommy's dresses when I tell you to, okay?' I nodded again.

‘After there is no danger you are to run as far from here as possible.' This time I shook my head, why would I run, mommy and daddy would protect me like they always promised right?

 'Drianna, honey there are lots of bad people, surrounding our territory, more than there are people in our pack. They will attack any minute, so we want you to hide, and don't make any noise, alright?'

I once again nod in understatement, both mommy and daddy have tears in their eyes, they each hug me and give me a peck on the cheek, and then daddy says;

'We are so sorry we can't protect you like we always promised, but this is entirely our fault that we weren't careful enough and we hope you will forgive us, as we will always be with you, in your heart.'

Then daddy pushes me into the walk in closet, and I hide between Mommy's dresses but I can still see both of my parents, they look at each other and then at the door, just as it bangs open, and there are wolfs, their teeth bared, ears pulled back, and, just as quickly as the door opened, the wolfs attacked my parents, snapping their bones, the blood spraying the sliver walls and white celling, the wolfs dropped the lifeless bodies of my loving parents and left one after another.

Until all but one remains, and I see him. the huge dark brown wolf, staring in my direction with those piercing golden eyes, these eyes of a murderer. That was the day that I promised myself that I will kill him even if the price to pay for it, is my own life.


New story :D I had this idea in my head for quite a while. Also I know its quite short, but I didn't know how to really start it  XD please vote and comment, I'll try to update as soon as possible. thanks A.

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