Chapter 6

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Hunter's P.O.V

Just after school I got a text from my mother. She told me to skip football practice and get right home. I did as I was told. When I parked my car, got out and entered the house my mum run straight up to me with tears in her eyes, that got me instantly worried.

'Mom is everything alright? Did something happen?' I asked concerned, she looked really shaken and I did not like that one bit.

'Honey I have some news for you, and you will not believe me when I tell you.' She looked at me giving me a wide smile, and continued. 'Do you remember the Noire's and what happened to them?'

I tightened my jaw and tried to calm my racing heart. I gave a tiny nod. I remember, I always will. The Noire's were the alpha's of the neighboring pack, the Dark moon pack, they knew my parents from high school. They were best friends. They also had a daughter, Adrianna, who was only 3 months younger than me, we were best friends since we were in diapers. On the night of the red moon, they were attacked by a rogue pack who were seeking revenge, most of the pack was murdered, including the alpha's and their daughter. Well it was thought she was killed as her body was never found.

'Well, we just got an invitation to the Noire's ball. It was an invitation from... Adrianna.' When I heard her name my heart broke all over again, I couldn't believe it. She was alive.

                                                                     ***5 hours later***

The dozens of couples danced to the soft tunes of the music played by the band. I stood around with my pack at the Noire's ballroom. I never thought I would step my foot into this room, let alone the mansion. It was surreal. Unbelievable. I cannot wait to see her, I wonder how she is, and what she looks like, or if she still remembers me, oh moon goddess I hope she does.

Suddenly the music stops and the main doors of the ball room are opened and and she walks in, full of grace, confidence and eliminating power. I let my gaze travel from her long tanned toned legs, to her perfectly flat stomach, amazing hips, up to her big full breasts and finally settling on her face. Kissable pouty lips, perfectly straight nose, prominent cheekbones and flawless skin, long black hair and the ocean bright blue eyes. My eyes widened in disbelief. It couldn't be. But it's true, it was the girl from school, the female alpha of the red moon pack. My mate.

Adrianna's P.O.V

All eyes were on me. Literally. The music stopped, any sort of movement stopped. I looked around the many people who i have known since I was little, all family friends of some sort. When I got to four particular faces that I recognized, I did a double take. two of them I recognized from school, it was that guy I fought in gym on Monday, and River. Then next to them was a really familiar couple holding hands, both their faces looking at me in shock. My face was an emotionless mask, my eyes blank, I couldn't let anyone see what I was feeling. The couple were like my second parents. Quinn and Amelia Whitewood. My parents best friends, and the alphas of Nightfall pack.

'Adrianna?' Amelia's soft shocked voice was heard by everyone in the room. I could not talk so I just nodded and turned away to find Essa and Kayden. The music began again. People went back to chatting and dancing. I found them standing at the buffet. Expected just like any other day. I chuckled and they turned around, both with a sheepish smile on their faces.

'Could you two bring the Alpha's of the Nightfall pack and their children to my office please?' I said with a forced smile. They nodded and turned towards the direction of the Whitewood's whilst I went to my office.

I was standing on the balcony of my fathers office or more like my office now. I had a cigarette in my hand, I looked at the beautiful garden under the blanket of darkness and the bright shining moon and stars, the flowers glowing beautifully under the light of the moon. while i put the cigarette in my mouth and inhaled lightly while holding the flame of the lighter to the tip for a moment. then i took the lighter away and gave it a few strongish, brief draws until it was well lit.  The feeling is delightful, in my opinion, and it's like having your lungs wrapped in a warm blanket. Taking a few long, slow draws of the cigarette and slowly blowing the smoke out of my mouth and nose. then I heard the office door open and close, and I felt the presence of four people in my room, even though they could not see me and I could not see them.

'Where are you Adrianna?' I heard Quinn's loud voice boom through the room towards me. I was masking my scent and the fact that one of the worlds best alpha's did not sense me was great as the stronger the alpha the more sharp are their sences. I giggled loudly and all I said was, ' I'm out here.' Although I did smell a heavenly scent of chocolate, honey and mint.

When the came in view I went into the office, behind Amelia and Quinn I saw the guy I fought in gym and River. I chucked quietly and smiled at River and then looked at the guy in front of me. I tilted my head to the side and looked at him, then I saw it. ' Hunter?' I said in a shocked uncontrollable voice, he just nodded and smiled letting it sink in. It was him, my best friend since diapers, but there was something different about him. I looked at him and then it hit me, that smell, it was the smell of my mate and it came from Hunter. My eyes widened and my wolf took control. I knew my eyes glowed red, but if someone looked close up they would see the blue flecks in them. I stepped closer, my wolf wanted to jump and mark him right there and then, I could also tell his wolf felt similar. I need to snap out of this. instantly my eyes were back to normal. I quickly muttered and ' excuse me for a minute' and then turned on my heel and stormed out on to the balcony shutting the glass doors behind me an using my powers to shut the blinds.

I needed to calm my wolf down, she cannot mark him, I cannot be tied down to someone who I don't know anymore, people change and I'm sure Hunter is one hundred percent different than what he was when we were still six. I cleared my mind, not even realizing that I subconsciously finished my cigarette. I used my skills again to open the blinds and opened the door to the office, the smell of chocolate, honey and mint  hitting me again but I was strong enough to ignore it.

'Sorry about that, I needed to calm my wolf down, she can be hard to control at times.'  I looked at them sheepishly. Amelia smiled at me widely, and said, 'So its true, you're Enya.' I nodded, chucked and responded with a 'yup'.

'How are you holding up honey? Where have you been all these years? What exactly happened that night?' Amelia fired those questions at me, her voice filled with worry. I chuckled humorlessly.

' Well I'm doing much better, and then the next two questions are going to take a while so you might want to take a seat.' All four did as I said and I jumped into telling them every detail of that night and what happened afterwards, how I killed people, how my pack was formed, missing the part where  I hunt down rogues that were involved that night,  and up until right now where I was in the office with them. Throughout the explanation i kept my emotionless mask on They just sat there taking it all in. then River asked me a very interesting question.

'Do you not seek revenge for what happened?' I chuckled darkly, looking at her with a sinister look on my face, she looked like she was ready to piss herself. 'I'm getting my revenge, and getting closer and closer to the main person who caused all my pain' I grinned at her after I said this and left it without further explanation. 

'Well I'd love to chat some more but I have more guests downstairs that would like to talk to me so, I guess we could get together for dinner sometime soon?' I looked at Quinn and Amelie with a questioning expression.

'Of course, we would love to. Do you want our number?' Quinn answered with a smile. 

I chuckled, and answered him with a forced smile. ' I remember your number.'

'Oh.' Amalie looked at with a hurt expression on her face. Quinn just looked at her with a warning. and they went up to me and hugged me and turned towards the door and walked out, with River following in suit, and then only me and Hunter were left in the room.

' I missed you.' He whispered and went up to me and hugged me with such force that I couldn't breathe, and by that I don't mean him using his strength but the effect he had on as my mate. Mate. That sounded so weird. I melted into the hug loosing the will to keep up the facade that I always wore. He nuzzled my neck and I realized that we fit like a puzzle he's huge built frame with my toned, tall, skinny one. 'I missed you too.' I whispered in a broken tone, I knew he heard me because he just hugged my tighter.


Hey guys, it has been a while, I know there hasn't been really that many of you reading this but I would really appreciate it if you vote and comment on what you think. 


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