Chapter 2

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Odessa’s POV.            

‘Alright guys here we are. Take a seat, in the left corner are the refreshments, hot and soft drinks, sandwiches and sweets, so take anything you fancy.’ Indiana said.

The meeting room was huge enough to hold the 478 of our pack members and there was a lot of space left, everyone could sit either on the bean bags, chairs or the couches, and on the stage would be the most important members of the pack such as the Alpha, the Betas which are me and Kayden, and the strongest of our warriors such as Austin, Tomas, Warren and Faith.

It is already twenty past six and everyone was here apart from Ria, but I’m not  surprised, she has so much stuff to take in and I know she wasn’t as ready as she thought to come back home. I was so deep in thought that I did not realise Ria has arrived, and just as I looked up, people went down on one knee putting a hand on over their hearts, this was the usual greeting that the important pack members received, it was to show respect.

But the only difference between the pack members greeting me and Ria was that they put their hands over their breasts just where you would find the heart. This was not just our pack but all the pack did this, it was just this way from the very first of our kind, Enya and Lokis. They were the first of the alphas; they were the first werewolves ever.

As Ria stood at the front of the stage people got up, and stood until she told them to sit down. When they did they waited for her to speak, their eyes fixed on her form.

‘Good evening to you all, first of all I would like to thank all of the dark moon pack and how they took care of this place, after everything that they went through at this very house, losing their loved ones and alphas, and having to rebuild their lives and cope with everything going on.’

 Ria’s face was emotionless, and so were her eyes. The thing about her was she never showed what she felt, and I could only imagine a little of what really was going on in her mind.

‘I would also like to ask whether they would like to join our pack, as I’m very certain that we are going to stay here permanently. If you do then there is nothing to worry about you are already a part of our pack, as we are yours.’

Then her facial expression went smug, I had a really bad feeling about this.

‘One of the main points of our pack meeting would be that those of us who are of age are enrolled into a school’

She paused and grinned when everyone who would be going to school started shouting about how unfair it was. Why was she grinning, I just don’t understand, I think she just loves to make us suffer.

‘Okay everyone be quiet I did not finish what I was saying,’

Immediately everyone went silent. ‘This isn’t just a normal human school. It is a werewolf school! We are starting next week.’

That was when we started talking, being really happy. Werewolf schools meant that we did not have to be really careful not to shift. We could be carefree, as long as no humans saw us. I had a feeling this was going to be great.

She finished and then she turned towards us smiled and walked of the stage and through the double doors. The smile did not really reach her eyes, but I knew not to follow as she needed to get through this alone. She has told me so herself.


Back to Adrianna’s (Ria's) POV

I run from the meeting room. There was so much shit that needed to be sorted. I need to talk to aunt Indiana, ask her about everything that happened after I have gone, and most importantly where they buried the ashes of my parents, and the rest of my pack. I wish I could see mum and dad again, I wish that they did not have to die that night and that I will find that son of a bitch soon.  After I had looked for clues of any rogues that were close to our territory close to the night of my parents’ death I have found some clues, about who my parents’ killer is.

He’s name was Richard Brown; he was an outcast of our society right from when he was found to be a crossbreed of vampire and werewolf. His parents were executed right after they were found when he was fifteen, he was eighteen when he killed my parents and now he is twenty nine. He has been killing werewolves since he’s parents’ death, meaning that he killed for 14 years, thousands of lives taken just because he thought that his parents’ death was not meant to be. Apparently he has been targeting my mother and father for a while, as they were one of the five main alpha pairs in our society, and the five pairs decided what to do with his parents.

But in fact they broke the law, both vampire and werewolf. This law was that no vampire and werewolf or any other creature was supposed to have a child if they weren’t mates of any kind, and his parent weren’t because his father’s mate has died of some sort of illness, while vampires don’t usually have mates. There were certain exceptions, but these happened very rarely.

Only two cases of a mating bond were known between a werewolf and a vampire over thousands of years, and their children were half breeds, meaning that their vampire side has constantly gone against their wolf, their instincts. They were driven into madness, killing a huge number of innocent people, and this was why the law was there. To prevent these kind of disasters. I will kill him soon, and all this will end, no more lives will be taken, and these who follow him will go down with him if they do not back out of it.

Before I realised where I was going I opened the door to my old bedroom. It was situated on the third floor of the mansion which was where the highest rank members would be situated. In ours it was only the alphas, betas and their children. Others either lived in the floors below or in the houses built close to the pack mansion.

All I saw was the same old furniture that I remembered. The room was a light pink. The huge pumpkin horse carriage bed stood in all its glory. Behind it was the walk in wardrobe, and its door designed so that it looked as if you were entering a castle. I truly loved this bedroom. It reminded me of what my parents were like. They gave me everything I wanted, every single toy or piece of furniture.

I walked over to the pumpkin horse carriage bed and went up the little stairs and sat down onto the soft plush mattress. I crawled under the soft pink covers and just laid there thinking. Then I saw the photos standing there on the sill of the little window. There was one of my parents on their wedding day, where they were walking away from the camera, hand in hand facing each other on a wooden bridge, which wasn’t too far from the mansion. Both of them had big grins on their faces.

My parents where the two most beautiful people in the world. Both had black hair and vibrant blue eyes. My mother had a square jaw, high cheekbones slightly pointy nose and pouty lips. She was absolutely stunning. My father had angular, slightly sharp facial features, quite defined cheekbones, with a lightly pointy nose; my mum told me stories about dad being a bad boy, riding his motorbike to school every day, and how they met. When they did meet it was love at first sight, my father dropped his player ways, of course when I was told this I did not know what the term player meant, but they lived happily.

My father was ecstatic when he found out that my mother was pregnant. With a girl. Never in history was an alpha pairs first born a female. My father should have been disappointed that his first born was a girl instead of a strong alpha male to be. When I asked if he was disappointed when I was three, the answer I received was.

‘Princess I would never be disappointed that you are a girl and my first born. This just shows that you will be the strongest female alive when you reach your shifting age. Just like your grandmother has told you. Okay baby girl?’

I’ve felt tears welling in my eyes I closed my eyes trying to keep in the sob that was trying to escape but I couldn’t. I opened my eyes looking at my parents wedding picture as it became blurred and I could only see the outline of black and white. I miss you. Mommy, Daddy. I miss you so much it hurts. Then the sobs broke out, and I cried for hours, sobbing until no tears where coming out for behind my eyelids, until I fell asleep into a dreamless sleep, with the photo frame still in my arms.


This was two pages on word... hah :D hope you like it! please vote and comment.


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