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It was the afternoon already. You decided that it would be best to finally go in some other place because this one you were in right now had already soaked with your scent and soon here would gather all kinds of monsters to eat their victim. You looked at Nick and, getting up from your seat, said:
- We should get going. Those beasts will be here soon, this place is full of our scent - he nodded his head at you and got up, following you to the exit of the abandoned restaurant. 

After walking a couple of minutes your mind had wandered to a one specific memory you wish you could forget. It was the most hurtful memory just after the one where Nick had hurt you. Physically and emotionally. 

.      .      .

You had only four hours left to be near the center of Orlando. It was nice walking through the city with company, especially at night. This dog was really something. You only met it a couple of hours earlier but fell in love with it right away. Its two heads were so cute to look at.

A giant dragon-like creature had ran out before you two. You slightly jumped back, but quickly reflected and grabbed your gun. The monster looked at you with rage and started stomping your way. The dog started to bark at it and tried to protect you. You shooted a couple of times and instead of  dealing damage to the beast it had  done nothing. The creature was only more furious after that. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead!, you thought to yourself while slowly backing away on your wobbly legs. The beast was about to jump right at you. It jumped. You stumbled and fell to the ground, closed your eyes and reached out your hand to cover your face while you were balancing yourself on the other one. And waited for the pain to come.

But it never came. Weird.., you thought. You slowly opened your eyes, but you wish you didn't. No.. please, god.. no..., you thought as you saw that the creature was gone now, but your dog was laying on the floor. Bleeding. You quickly got up and ran over to its body.

- H-Hey! B-Buddy! Please.. don't leave me here, I need you! - you cried to the now dead dog. Why me, why is everything turning against me, why can't the world be nice to me just for a fucking moment!, your thoughts were a mess now. Everything spinning. Yet again you were left alone in this world. With no one and nothing. Just your luck. The moon was shining bright at you and your little friend while you held him close to your body, sobbing quietly.

.      .      .

- Y/N..? - Nick waved his hand in front of you, trying to catch your attention.

- Wh-What were you saying..? - you snapped back to reality and looked at him - sorry, just kinda drifted away a little..

- It's alright. I was asking if you know where we are going, because you stopped before this forest - he explained. You looked around to see that he was saying the truth. You two were standing before a massive forest. Ah, my legs just had to bring me here.. gosh, you thought to yourself.

- Yeah, I know where we are.

The walk through the forest didn't last long. The place where your legs led you to was actually not far away from the entrance of it. Just a couple metres, like 600. It wasn't much for you, but looking in Nicks direction you saw him panting from the effort.

- You okay there? - you asked him with a slight smirk on your face.

- Ye.. Yeah.... Can we.. please... stop for a minute...? - He said between breaths. You chuckled at his childishness. Nick had a little pink tint over his cheeks, but you couldn't tell if it was from the whole walking or because you made him blush.

- We're almost there, hold on.

He groaned but continued after you either way. And it really wasn't far. Just a couple steps ahead was an abandoned tree house. It had lianas and roots all over it.

- You coming? - you asked him as you started to climb up the ladder to the little house. He somehow managed to run after you and quickly climbed up too. Nick was looking around the treehouse in awe. It was kinda cute now that you would think about it. Like a little kid who just got a new toy.

- Is it- Is it yours? - he asked, still looking around.

- Yea. I would go here everytime my parents fought or if something bad happened in general. I guess you can say it was my quiet place to think things through. Although I wasn't spending much time here because I didn't live with my aunt here in Orlando, I really loved coming here..

- Did you.. came here when I.. you know... - he said with a guilty look on his face, not looking you in the eyes.

- Yeah.. I did.. but it was a long time ago, so don't worry about it now - you said to him, though you knew you still hadn't forgiven him.

You two sat in the treehouse in comfortable silence, just chilling around each other. It was slowly getting dark. You got up and started to make two beds, one for you and one for Nick. Once you were done with that, you started to take off your boots. Nick copied your actions and now the two of you were laying on your beds, your backs facing each other.

- Hey, y/n? - Nick started.

- Yeah?

- You never told me how you got away from.. uh.. you know...

Silence appeard after he's question in the room. Should you answer him? In the end he caused you that and now he wants to know HOW I got away with it?

Questions were piling up in your head. Just as you were about to decline, you decided to tell him. Maybe he changed after all this time?, you thought to yourself.

- So.. when we were thirteen you always bullied me, rememeber?

- .. yeah.. and I'm really sorry for that.. - you didn't respond to his apology, instead continued talking.

- So when you decided it was a brilliant idea to throw me into the pond near our old school in the winter - Nick was quiet this time, he was going to listen to it and not interrupt you - I.. I a-almost drowned there, y-you know..? - your voice cracked at the end of your sentance, tears started forming in the corner of your eyes - You just walked away laughing with your stupid f-friends! - you said this a bit more harshly than the rest. It was quiet. No, wait. You could hear quiet.. sobbing? You turned around only to be met with his crying face.

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