Those Three Words

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You felt something carrying you. Someone's arms, they were quite muscular to say the least. You nuzzled into their chest more, not thinking twice what you were doing.

- Comfy now, aren't we?

You heard a boy say. You recognized this voice, it was Nick. O shit, oh shit, oh shit! You quickly opened your eyes and saw him grinning down at you in his arms.

- Well they're quite comfortable. Hope you don't mind if I stay in here a little longer? - you said jokingly, winking at him and grinning yourself. His smile immediately dropped and he was now a blushing mess. Nick started stuttering trying to explain it was supposed to be a joke. You only closed your eyes again and tried to fall back asleep. His sweet cologne scent present in your nostrils, he actually smelled pretty nice. The vibrations in his chest from his voice were lulling you to sleep. You fell into a deep slumber once again.

You woke up a couple hours later. The sun was high in the sky and it was pretty warm. As you were trying to get up something was holding you down in place. You felt someone's arms wrapped around your waist. You turned around to look who was it and to your surprise it was Nick, sound asleep and snoring loudly. Cute. You carefully put his arm off of your waist and silently got up to find something to eat, bringing with you Nick's baseball bat.

You checked almost every nearby store, yet you still haven't found anything. You were starting to starve a little. The fact that Nick ate the last candybar you had left didn't help either. You tried again, checking the last store that wasn't too far from the place you left Nick at. You walked in bat in hand, ready to hit whatever will appear in front of you. You took slow steps forward, checking out your surroundings. There were a lot off empty shelves but you spotted one with two cans of tomato soup. Bingo! There's only two but it's better than nothing. As you were making your way back you let your guard down and din't notice that someone was following you. Only after a few minutes of walking you realized that you had a tail. You tried to loose it by going into a couple of allyways and in between shops but this someone was still following behind. Finally you turned around with your bat ready to hit but you saw no one. Empty street was ahead of you. Something wasn't right, you just knew it. With your guard high you started slowly making your way back once again. 

You stepped out of the bushes and were met with a gun pulled up to your skull.

- What the fuck?! - you shouted.

- Y/n?! - Nick screamed back and lowered your gun. He ran up to you and hugged you really tightly. - Where have you been? I was worried sick about you! I thought something happened!

- I just went out to find some food. Don't worry about me! I'm here and safe.

You two stayed like that for a couple more minutes until Nick pulled back and smiled down at you. You smiled back and started to tell himabout your adventures with the food and how you couldn't find anything. He was sitting in front of you and listening closely, not missing any words that flew out of your mouth. He was staring at your lips, how they moved when you were saying something. At your eyes, how they sparkled when you talked about finally finding soup cans. The hope that appeared in your e/c orbs. He loved every bit of you, but you didn't know that. At least not yet.

You two decided to stay this night up and talk about yourselves to better know each other. If someone told you a couple months ago that you would talk with Nick like nothing ever happened, you wouldn't believe them. But here you are, happy talking with him and enjoying his company. He finally said that he will get some sleep while you guard the area around you. You saw him laying on his side, curled up in a ball. You took the blanket you had in your backpack out and put it over him. It was starting to get cold. You thought it would be a good idea to walk around for a bit since you weren't sleepy at all. You were walking past old buildings and onto the street, then turned in to an alleyway and made a "circle" around where Nick slept. You also discovered a pretty place on- top of the nearest building. You could see almost the whole city from here. You stayed there a bit and just enjoyed the view. Unconciously you started humming a song. It was a "Hey there Delilah" cover by josephrre.

Then you started singing the chorus of the song. You sang your heart out so loudly up there you thought you might wake up Nick. You didn't notice a figure standing behind you as you sang. The second you finished you felt two arms wrapping around you and squeezing you into a tight hug from behind. You yelped at the sudden touch but soon relax realizing it was Nick holding you. He whispered into your ear, sending chills down your spine:

- It was beautiful. I didn't know you could sing so well.

- You don't know a lot of things about me - you answered back, slowly turning to face him. - I thought you were asleep?

- I wasn't. And it was kind of you to put a blanket over me.

- No problem, Nick.

There was a few seconds of silence, but it was comfortable. You were looking into each others eyes, the stars were shining in one anothers'. Finally Nick spoke up:

- Hey, y/n?

- Yeah?

- There is something I want to tell you. It's like- really important, okay?

You were confused. He looked really nervous too. What is it that he wants to tell you? You nodded to let him know it's okay for him to speak.

- I.. I really like you.

You couldn't believe it. He liked you? Like, for real? No. This can't be happening.

- Nick.. I..

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