My Heart

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Three hours has passed since the two of you had decided to walk back to your old home. The sun was setting by now. The sky has changed its colours from blue to yellow and orange, slowly turning red at the end. Hunger was getting to you because you didn't eat anything from the time you've been at the apartment. Your stomach was screaming for food from starving almost the whole day. After you patched Nicks wounds you made him something to eat so that he would regain his strength, but making him a meal left you with nothing so now you were getting the consequences of your choices in life. Nick noticed you slowed your pace and slouched behind him.

- Is everything alright, y/n? - he asked you, worry filling his words.

- U-Uh, yeah. Don't worry about me, I'm fine - you smiled at him reassuringly. And right then, right there you stomach grumbled. You panicked a bit, knowing that Nick most probably heard that.

- Are you sure you're okay? If you were hungry you should've just said. I have a lot of food in my bag! - he smiled at you with a big toothy grin of his that made your heart melt. The boy rummaged through his bag in terms of finding food. It's impossible that he'll find food, in the end I packed his bag so I know what I put in there - you thought as you watched him scanning his whole bag.

- Ah! There it is! - Nick swang his arm in the air holding a candy bar.

- What?! But- How? - your jaw dropped to the ground in disbelief.

- You know, when you were done with packing my bag you said I had a lot of free space in there left so I thought I'd stuff there some sweets for a rainy day - he explained with excitement, handing you the candy bar. You took it from his hands slightly touching his soft palm. Your stomach flipped at the contact and you didn't know why you felt that way. We are just friends, no romantic feelings here, right? - you thought to yourself as you looked at Nick. His dark brown messy hair, beautiful green eyes and these lips. You were melting under his gaze. Quickly taking the snack you turned your face away from him because you didn't want to show your blush. You didn't know that but he saw it either way and blushed himself, turning away his head from you as well.

It was getting slowly darker and colder with every minute that passed. The moon was visible on the sky and star constellations started making their way onto it aswell. You looked up at the bautiful sight above you. It's so pretty.

- Yeah, it really is. - you heard Nick say beside you. You turned you head to him but he wasn't looking at the night  sky, he was looking at you. When you looked him in the eyes he quickly turned away, a red blush spread across his face and a goofy grin. You giggled and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

- Come on, we have a long way yet to go. I know what I'm talking about, in the end I came all this way here, right? - you smiled at him and he smiled back, the blush now less visible but you still could see it in the moonlight.

- Yeah, let's go.

.      .      .

You woke up to the sound of fighting. You quickly got up and ran in the direction of the batlle sounds. You were shocked, Nick was fighting with some guy. He was bruised and blood was dripping down his face but he wasn't backing down. The guy on the other hand had  blood on his lips and a black eye. Before the mistery man could swing his fist at Nick again you stepped between them.

- Stop it, you two! - you screamed at them. They both looked at you surprised. - What is going on here?!

- He attacked me when I was going to pee! - Nick shouted.

- No! You attacked me first! I was just walking by! - the guy retorted. He had an angry expression, dark curly hair were falling on his dark brown eyes. He was taller than Nick and had a few bandages around his arms. He looked like a total badass, just like in those teenage movies.

- What's you name and why were you here? - you asked him turning fully in his direction and taking a step closer to Nick. Just for safety reasons, yea, safety.

- My name is Jack and as I said before, I was just walking by. Nothing more.

You looked him up and down and lowered your friends weapon.

- Alright, if that's what you're here for then okay. Now go before I murder you with my hands and just so you know, I'm way stronger than my friend you just fought. - you looked him dead in the eyes as you said those words. He seemed intimidated and a little scared by them. He slowly backed away before turning around and running away through the streets full of darkness. You turned to Nick and asked:

- Everything okay? You seem like you're in a lot of pain.

- I'm fine, just a few bruises, that's all. - He looked down at you and smiled. You blushed and dragged him by his arm back to your earlier sleeping spot. You sat him down on your jacket, were you slept before you had got brutally woken up, and started to patch him up. You cleaned every wound he had, even if it wasn't from the fight. 

- Okay, lay down and sleep. You need to rest. - you said to him as you got up and took your gun in hand, ready to shoot.

- But- - he tried to argue.

- No "but's". You going to sleep right now. I slept enough, besides I'm not sleepy anymore so I wouldn't sleep anyway. I'll take the guard from here, really. - you petted him on the head, messing up his soft hair. He grumbled a bit but soon fell asleep. You sat beside him and started to brush his hair away fom his face. You studied his features, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep, so vulnerable. You bent down and gave him a light kiss on his forehead whispering:

- Good night my prince...

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