Catching Up

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      When we got back to our place, I took Sharon to the guest room so she could take a shower, and then we were going to hang out and watch a movie. Which was code for we were going to gossip about everything going on in each other's lives. When I got back to the living room, Shane didn't look very happy.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He rested the side of his cheek on my head.

"Hey, you, what is wrong?"

He sighed, "I am just a little confused about how we went from a graduation party to your ex-boyfriend's mother staying in our house. It just makes me a little uncomfortable, I guess. I'm going to hold onto your present for a little bit longer, though. Wait until the right moment to give it to you." I looked up into his eyes.

"Sharon is not Damon. I was close to Sharon before and after everything with Damon. Just because she is here doesn't mean that I'm going to go running off with Damon or something. I am here with you, not him." He let out a little chuckle.

"I know that. I just love you, and it worries me a little bit."

I reached up and kissed his nose.

"Well, stop worrying. I love you. And besides, I'm probably never going to see Damon again anyway. For all I know, he's married with 20 children by now."

Shane laughed at that. "Ok, I believe you. 20 kids is a little excessive, though."

I tilted my head at him and smiled.

"And you know you could always give me a hint about what this present is."

He shook his head and chuckled.

"Nope, sorry, you'll just have to wait."

He leaned down and kissed me once more before saying he was going to go to bed early and give Sharon and me some time to catch up. I kissed him back and watched while he walked away. He told Sharon good night, and then I heard the bedroom door close. I still wasn't convinced that he wasn't sad or mad, but I wanted to spend time with Sharon. I would try and talk with him after.

Sharon and I sat on the couch munching on popcorn and catching up. She told me all about her and Steve's amazing second honeymoon. I have to admit I was a little bit jealous; warm and sandy beaches sounded like fun. She then told me how she decided not to go into the wedding planner career. That she decided to go a different route when it came to her job. It made me a little sad. That was going to be her and my mom's thing.

"I thought that you were excited about doing that."

"After your mother passed, I was too sad to even think about it. But then when I did start to think about it, I just couldn't see myself doing all that by myself. But it's ok; it was for the best. I have a job I love, and I am home every night to be with my husband."

"I'm still sorry that didn't work out; I know that you were excited about it."

"Thank you, but it's ok; now let's catch up some more, preferably about happy things! You have to tell me all about that adorable little Sadie and the big plans now that school is done."

We talked until the end of the movie before I just couldn't help myself; I just had to ask this question. I looked to make sure Shane was in our room before asking, though.

"So, Sharon, how is Damon doing? I didn't want to ask, but I just couldn't help it." She sipped her tea before answering.

"He is still Damon. He hasn't been to visit me too much lately, but he still checks in through phone or text. He has his own huge house and money now, so he doesn't need his mother anymore. His father passed away. I didn't know if you knew or not."

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