! Apologies ! Lloykita One-Shot !

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This is based off my headcanon of their fight! About Harumi specifically! Let's start!

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Lloyd's Pov

Lloyd was on the couch with Akita. Brushing his girlfriend's fur happily since she was in her wolf form.

Lloyd suddenly thought of Harumi. Why couldn't her just forget about her? He hadn't realized but he was brushing Akita's fur more roughly.

"Lloyd!" He snapped out of his thoughts and saw that Akita had turned into her normal form. He put the brush down and smiled at her. "Don't smile at me! I know you're thinking about Harumi!" Akita said. Lloyd frowned and said, "Maybe I am but I can't help it but think about the betrayal."

That seemed to snap Akita cause she yelled suddenly, "Well that's over now! Can you please stop thinking about her and be in the moment? Harumi betrayed you and you still think about her!" Lloyd felt furious, he was trying to be in the moment but it was hard still, Harumi had betrayed him when he thought she was trustworthy! Why was Akita so mad about that!

"Oh shut up! She betrayed me and I still feel hurt! Stop acting like I shouldn't after all you weren't there, y-you stupid mutt!" He yelled. Standing up and storming off. Leaving Akita there and not looking back.

** Two Weeks Later **

Lloyd was eating cereal. He realized Akita's been avoiding him. He felt bad after that for sure.

Lloyd stood up and grabbed a bowl of cereal he had poured for Akita since she hadn't come out to eat yet and went to her room. He knocked on the door and suddenly he heard a couple sobs. She must've not heard him...

"Akita..?" He asked, he wanted so badly to apologize. Say he should've sucked it up and not called her a mutt. No answer. He got worried.

"Akita, please open the door." He begged. He then heard a soft, raspy voice full of sadness speak, "G-Go away, Lloyd.." He sighed and pulled out his phone to call Akita. Nobody picked up.

"Akita, just open the door." He said a little more sternly. He didn't want to yell at her to open it but he needed to talk with her. The door then opened. Showing Akita who's eyes were red and puffy. She looked scared staring at him.

"Just... Let's talk." He said. Entering, he saw that Akita had wanted to protest but he already had entered. He sat on Akita's bed and motioned for her to sit down. Akita sat down and seemed to avoid eye contact with him.

"I want to apologize. I shouldn't have called you a stupid mutt. You're not a stupid mutt, you're the best girlfriend ever. I shouldn't have been acting hurt over it. I should've sucked it up and apologized right then. I'm so so sorry for not apologizing sooner." He said, staring at his girlfriend. Akita looked at him and muttered, "I should've also apologized for being so mad.." Lloyd reached for her hand and spoke softly, "No need to apologize, pup. It was my fault for getting like that, you were speaking the truth."

He smiled softly and Akita smiled st him. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she hugged him. He hugged back. He didn't want to be mad at her over something like Harumi. After all Harumi was dead and a traitor, but Akita was his true love and very much alive.

Hope you all liked this! I based this off one of my headcanons so yeah! I just like Lloykita fluff honestly. And why wouldn't I? They are adorable together in my opinion! Sorry to Greenflame and Lloyrumi fans but I think Akita was made for Lloyd!

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