! Camping ! All My Ships !

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Yes, all my ships again. I love them all. Fight me.

Oh and warning: Swearing

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Nya's Pov(Jaya)

Nya woke to being nudged by a familiar auburn haired boy. She managed to give a tired smile to her boyfriend, Jay, "Hey Jay." She said, seeing the excitement in Jay's electric blue eyes that, if she could, get lost in.

"It's the second day of our camping trip with the rest!" Jay squealed which only made Nya giggle. She loved her yin so much and for so many reasons. She sat up and said, "Oh, really? I hadn't noticed." She gave a smirk simply.

"How could you not remember! Wait, you're joking." Jay said as Nya gave a giggle. Jay added immediately, "So not funny! That was mean!" She frowned as she saw Jay pout and she quickly hugged him.

"Sorry Jay but I've gotta joke every once in a while." She said. As she saw him smile, she smiled. "Alright, you got me there!" Jay said with a smile.

Cole's Pov(Coliel)

Cole was writing down everything he thought to do with everybody. His top ones were scare Jay with scary stories, scare Jay, and scare Jay more. Mainly making his best friend scared.

He suddenly saw his pink haired girlfriend who was making sure they had everything, he thought of another thing to write down immediately, it read as: 'Give Seliel a kiss everyday on the cheek'

He would start today! He stood up and walked over, "Seliel?" He said. Seliel turned her head and said, "What's up, Cole?"

"Well, I've been writing stuff down on what I will do." He said, smiling. Seliel rolled her eyes and asked, "What are the tops one so far?" He smirked, that was the question he had wanted.

"Well the first one is scare Jay with scary stories, second is scare Jay, third is scare Jay even more, and the last is..." He began the rest and as he went through the scaring Jay ones, she had began giggling, he thought this was the perfect moment so he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Doing that everyday!"

Seliel stared at him in disbelief at how he chose to write that. He walked away happily and content with himself.

Skylor's Pov(Kailor)

Skylor was walking out of her and Kai's tent. She saw Kai sitting near the fire, looking at it. She walked over, asking, "Hey, Kai? Why ya sitting near the fire?"

She sat down next to him and he looked at her, answering with a smirk, "Staring at the fire cause it reminded me of you." She chuckled at his words, but she knew that wasn't truly. "Tell me the truth, Kai." She said, giving him a stern stare now.

"Fine. I can't help but think back to the Never Realm and how I couldn't use my fire." He said, looking at her with a look that made her feel worried. His eyes held sadness of the memory, he was shaking clearly as thought about it.

"Kai, you have your fire back. Stop worrying about that." She said, reassuring his boyfriend gradually. He shook his head, "How can I? Look at me Sky, I got lucky, but... knowing that I lost my fire just like back at the tournament of elements? It made me feel scared back then and it still does."

Skylor looked him in the eyes and said, "Back then, I was stupid and betrayed you, and here I am now. Loving you. So stop thinking you're lucky, you have more than luck on your side. You have me." She pulled him into a kiss, and then they pulled away. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

Pixal's Pov(Pixane)

"Zane, I believe there was a miscalculated risk in what you said." Pixal said, gesturing to the fact that Jay and Kai were now arguing over who was more annoying for Zane had said they both would need to at least stop being so childish. Normally she knew Zane wouldn't call Jay childish unless to stop a war but he only caused a bigger war.

"Yes, my risk was miscalculated but I did whatever I had to." Zane stated. Pixal let out a sigh, "Why do you do this?"

"I have lived with them for longer than I have known you so I know it is better that Kai and Jay argue than... the other way to solve it." Zane answered better than before, but Pixal still wasn't satisfied. "Zane. Do apologize to them!" Pixal said, trying hard enough to not let the whole forest know of their presence.

"Mm, affirmative." Zane said before hugging her and saying, "I am sorry for not giving you a better answer before. Now I will go apologize." Zane pulled apart from her and went over to the two other boys.

Pixal smiled briefly, she had to always keep herself from melting in his grasp whenever he hugged her but for now, there was more important matters.

Lloyd's Pov(Lloykita)

Lloyd was staring at Kai who had somehow set himself on fire. Lloyd should not even be questioning it. He is a part of the team after all. Suddenly he saw Akita messing around on setting herself on fire.

Why do I love her again?

He saw that she was getting awfully close so he sprang up and ran forward, knocking her away from Kai. He glared at Kai for not being more careful but Kai didn't notice and only said, "Sis! I set myself on fire!"

"Fuck you, Kai!"

"Yeah, yeah, put the fire out now!"

Lloyd just sighed and turned his focus to Akita who was blinking. "You were going to get hurt, Akita!" He said annoyed. She looked at him and said, "In the Never Realm, fire is life."

Lloyd sighed and said, "Akita, this is not the Never Realm. Here, you can be warm and cold. But touching fire, so long as you aren't Kai, will hurt you. And I don't want you to be hurt." He looked her in the eyes and she looked at him.

"Okay, I won't touch it. I'll stare at fire!" She said before running off. He smiled to himself.

Now I remember why I love her. She's my pup, and she knows what she wants.

Hope this was good! I'll be opening requests so yeah!

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