! Happy Thanksgiving ! All my ships !

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Cause It's Thanksgiving for me! Let me just make this, I'll also have some later thanksgiving stuff on a couple of my other stories so yeah :)

Jay's Pov (Jaya first)

Jay was sat on the couch as the Thanksgiving parade went on. Family and friends were gathered.

Jay had always loved the idea of everybody getting together to eat food and talk. He loved how Christmas season started right after Thanksgiving. He loved the thought of being thankful for all others have done for him.

Jay saw Nya who seemed to be anxious. He leaned towards his yang and asked, "You alright?" Nya looked at him and shook her head, saying, "It's just... this will be the first time we've had a lot of people here. And it just seems... worrying." Jay smiled.

I am thankful for having a yang like you.

He thought as he looked at her. "Don't worry, we all know what to do, and after all, it's the day of giving." He said, giving Nya a peck on the cheek, she smiled at him and nodded.

Kai's Pov (Kailor)

Kai was watching as the others watched the parade. Zane, Maya, Misako, Edna, and many others were making the dinner. He suddenly saw Skylor walked out of the kitchen, looking a bit exhausted.

"Hey Babe!" Kai said, smiling towards his girlfriend, she turned her head and walked over to him, "Remind me again how you and the team normally handle Thanksgiving?" Skylor said, leaning her head on his shoulder. He gave a chuckle and said, "We had Zane first and then Pixal to help organize."

"I think me and my dad definitely had a calmer Thanksgiving before I met you guys." Said Skylor. Which only made him laugh and he gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Well, now you have a bigger family of friends who won't take your powers away." Skylor looked up at him as he walked away.

"Yeah... guess so!" Skylor said with a smile towards Kai. That was why he loved Sky, she had many things different growing up compared to him but they could still love eachother.

Zane's Pov (Pixane)

Zane was spicing up the pumpkin pie when Misako called out to him, "Zane! We're running low on vegetables, should I quickly go buy them?"

"Yes, we'll need them for the green bean Casserole!" He said. He wasn't exhausted luckily, but he knew the others couldn't say the same. Maya, Kai and Nya's mom, walked over and said, "I saw Pixal calling for you earlier. I can take over this." Zane got worried and walked out of the kitchen, leaving the others to make the food.

Zane walked outside of the Monastery to see Pixal staring at the sky. "Pixal?" He said, walking over nervously. "Oh! Zane. Hi." Pixal said, turning her head to face him.

"Maya told me that you were looking for me." He said. He noticed his girlfriend seemed a bit anxious. "Y-Yes. I did wish to speak to you." She said. Pixal took a deep breath and said, "I just... think we should be able to relax from everything for a while... You know, after everything?" He hestitated to say something. Pixal wanted to spend more time with him but... there was no answer he actually could come up with, then he knew.

"Pixal." He said, trying so hard not to use his detective voice, even though he'd need a hat. "I know you want to spend time together but... I can't. It's Thanksgiving, we're all stressed and I can't leave suddenly." Said Zane.

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