! Yin Yang Promise ! Lloykita !

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I chose to write this one so we get Lloyd asking Akita to be his yang since the promise is meant to mean they will always be together. Not like marriage where it could just not last forever.

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Lloyd's Pov

**Two Weeks before Question**

Lloyd stared at the yin yang medallion which he was to give Akita. He frowned knowing it'd be difficult to gather the courage to ask her. He had been planning for a year now actually but it was so much harder coming closer to the time. He decided last week to ask the others who had done their yin yang promise if they could help him, and now here he was, in Skylor's restaurant with his team who all did their yin yang promises to their partners. How awkward.

"Where are you going to do it?"

"Do you have any idea what you'll say?"

"When are you going to do it?

"Are you going to do it in the worst moment? Cause if so..."

That last one was Jay. Lloyd was too overwhelmed by all these questions and had just stopped processing, suddenly Nya, who knew all his plans on how to do it and how awful they were, said, "First of all, Kai, he has no idea where. He does not know, Zane. He plans on doing it at night, Cole. And Jay, why?"

Jay just gave a nervous chuckle and said, "I mean... why not? That was how I did it even if I planned on doing it earlier.." Zane stopped and stared, not even Lloyd or Zane has known that Jay was going to do it then. So it was all a surprise, guess Jay forgot to tell Zane he had planned to do it earlier.

"Look, I want to find someplace special, Kai. I don't have any idea what I'll say, Zane. And Cole, it will be at night and if she says yes, I will throw a party. If" Lloyd said, answering more better than Nya had. He emphasized the If cause he didn't know if Akita would say yes!

Lloyd sighed and thought of it. Clearly his friends wouldn't help. He suddenly knew the right place, but what he'd say, was still unknown. Suddenly Nya gave him an answer, "How about you tell her what you feel? Jay did that with me and look how we turned out."

Lloyd gave Nya a thankful smile and said, "Well then, I know what I need to do!" He stood up and walked out.

**One week before**

Lloyd was on a cliff. The first place he had taken Akita when she arrived in Ninjago. He knew that this cliff had the best view of Ninjago and the sky. He was preparing it, talking with Zane on the phone who'd prepare his picnic planned food for Akita and him so he could ask her.

"I have almost got the pie, that you asked I should make, finished."

"Good, thanks Zane."

"You are welcome, although I think the distraction so nobody enters the kitchen is going too well."

"What do you mean?" Asked Lloyd suspiciously, suddenly a shout was heard from Zane's side of the phone, "You totally cheated! I would not do that!" Akita's voice was the shout. Lloyd couldn't help but get lost thinking about her. He snapped out of it when Zane said, "By the sounds of it, Akita and Kai are now arguing over who's doing better."

Lloyd let out a chuckle, after this many years he's been with the team, he knew the whole team basically functioned with one brain cell and does things that no one understands so that was what made it even more funny. "Alright, well tell Kai that if he dares to hurt Akita, he's go another thing coming!" Lloyd said with a smirk.

"Will do." Zane answered, before adding, "Also, should I make a cake since Akita will say yes." Lloyd thought it over and said, "I guess... You're the nindroid here!"

**The day of the question**

Lloyd was racing Akita to the spot and soon enough they were there. He smiled as he looked at her. She looked at him and smiled, "So! Guess we eat?" Lloyd nodded.

**After Eating**

Lloyd looked at Akita. Now was the time. It had to be the time now! "Akita?" He said, looking at her.

"Yeah, Lloyd?" Akita turned towards him. He took a deep breath and asked, "Can I ask you something..?" Akita nodded.

Lloyd looked at her, and before he could think better, the words flowed out of his mouth, "You mean so much to me, ever since I met you in the Never Realm to now, I've known you were the one I wanted to spend my life with after everything that's happen and when I feel sad I can't help but think of you and smile. So I want to ask if you want to be the other half of me. If you want to be my yang?" He pulled out the medallion and took it apart and held the yang half out for her.

Akita's eyes were wide, and she smiled brighter than he'd ever seen and she said, "Of course I'll be your yang, Lloyd!" Akita grabbed the yang half and put it on what she wore. Lloyd did the same before hugging her. He pulled her into a kiss which she kissed him back. And soon they pulled apart. A smile spread across both their faces. Suddenly a yell was heard, "Woo! I'll get cake!" Lloyd chuckled at that and Akita's eyes flashed amusement.

Lloyd held Akita's hand as they watched the stars and ignored Cole's yells of joy.

And there we go! I loved writing this and Cole's end moment of yelling was just the most funniest thing I could think of.

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