Chapter 18

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There had been a time when the sky was blue.

There had been a time when clouds were white and puffy, not brown and thick.

Margo found it hard to believe, but there was a time when air didn't taste like smog and smoke. It used to taste fresh and clean. This was all according to Orabelle, who recounted the stories of her great great grandparents.

"The sunsets were pink and red and yellow," she told Margo, relaxed on her leather armchair and staring into the crackling fire. "Sunrises were just as beautiful. My great great granny, Exa, used to wake up early to see those sunrises."

"Do you have any holotures?" Margo asked.

"Frizzles no!" Orabelle exclaimed, dismissing the notion with a wave of her hand. "Exa and Frini didn't have holotures back then."

Margo found it hard to imagine a life without holotures, holographs that could decorate your walls, tabletops, and counters. There were motion ones and still ones, though Margo preferred the motions.

"I wish we lived in a world with beautiful sunsets, girlie," Orabelle said wistfully.

"Me too."

Margo normally didn't spend time alone with Orabelle. Zack often stayed with them, but tonight he was with Kiori, taking her on a trip to the Border. They hadn't invited Margo—which hurt. A lot.

But Margo came to the realization that time alone with Orabelle was the best. She seemed more at ease, less of a grandma and more as a good friend. Plus, the house was free of Zack and Orabelle's constant bickering.

"You have a tattoo, don't you?" Orabelle asked suddenly.

Margo froze. "No." The tattoo turned black.

"Show it to me."

"I don't want to."



"Show me and I'll tell you secret."

Margo hesitated. "What secret?"

"I said, show me your tattoo and I'll tell you," Orabelle said, leaning closer. She noticed Margo's frustration and added, "I bet Zack told you to hide it." Margo nodded. "That rotten boy. His mother is against tattoos and he's taken to the same prejudice."

"I didn't know that." Margo's mouth felt dry.

"Listen to me, girlie. Never hide who you are. And that tattoo—" Orabelle motioned to Margo's covered wrist—"is merely a battle scar that shows your strength."

Margo gazed into Orabelle's bright blue eyes. "I hate being different."

"I know. But one day you'll figure out that being different is amazing. In this world of sameness, you have to be different."

Margo slipped off her jacket. She presented her wrist to Orabelle.

"It's a heart?" Orabelle almost seemed disappointed. "I thought the government gave it to you. Did you do that?"

"No. Jael gave it to me . . . Um, ask me something. A yes or no question."

"Are you proud of your tattoo?"

"Yes," Margo lied. The red heart faded into black, and Orabelle's eyes widened.

"What the frizzle is that?" she exclaimed.

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