Chapter 24

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Later, Margo met Zack at his house. Orabelle explained the plan as they dressed in separate rooms. They both walked out at the same time, clad in black. Zack's dark hair was encased in a beanie—one that Orabelle had knitted—and he placed a snug hat on Margo's head.

"Cute," he told her, and she fought the urge to kiss him. Not in front of his grandma.

Orabelle groaned. "Did you hear me? I said no detours. I don't care what you do on those walks of yours, but this is a mission."

"What do you think we do on our walks?" Margo asked at Orabelle's accusing tone.

Zack's face reddened and he shifted his feet. He glanced at Margo and said, "I think we should join the group. Time to go."

Margo nodded. She imagined Kiori pacing the floor anxiously until they came back. Margo only hoped Kiori would stay true to her word and not follow them. After the Hemlock party, Margo couldn't be sure.

Orabelle gave the two of them quick hugs, making them promise they'd come back in one piece.

They joined the group of six outside. They were in outfits similar to Zack and Margo's, and wore the same nervous expression.  

"Rocketboots on?" Zack asked everyone.

They nodded and launched themselves through the forest. 

Margo noticed the array of weapons everyone carried. Some had guns, others—like Margo—had hunting knives. She forgot to ask Zack what he was carrying, but she didn't see a gun. After the Hemlock massacre, he probably didn't want to touch one of those things. Margo didn't blame him.

They ran for an hour until Zack forced everyone to slow down; they were getting close to the Spartan camp.

"We're here for Freya and Holland," Zack said in a low voice. "Don't hurt anyone unless they're going to hurt you. No hostages."

"Yessir," someone said. 

Margo forced a smile when Zack looked at her. He entwined his fingers with hers and glanced at the others, who were staring in amusement. "Look away," he told them, and they looked away.

He had looked so sure when he told them, but now, as his gaze was fixated on Margo, he faltered. Margo gave him a real smile and shook her head, then kissed him.

"Ugh, I thought we were here for a mission," one of the girls groaned.

"Jess, you know nothing's more romantic than kissing on a deadly mission," a boy corrected.

Zack stood star-struck.

Margo shoved him playfully. "Go on, leader. You heard them. We've got something to do."

He mumbled something inaudible and turned off his rocketboots. The others did the same. They walked until they smelled the smoke of a fire, then stopped when they saw the flame. A group of Spartans were on the ground beside it sleeping.

"I wanna kill them so bad," the girl—Jess—muttered.

"All in good time," someone replied.

"Go around the edge of the camp," ordered Zack. His hand slipped from Margo's and he led the way. The group was careful to not step on any sticks. The fallen leaves on the ground made a crunching sound every time someone's heavy boot crushed them.

"Look for heavy guard," Zack whispered. "Look inside the tents."

Jess and Margo broke off from the group to peer inside a small green tent. A single woman was huddled under a blanket, and the girls quickly looked away upon seeing that it wasn't Freya.

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