the meeting

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Under heavy editing... goodluck reading if I didn't fix the chapters... 

It was late, about 8pm on a Friday, you think about how hungry you are. Finally giving in to your growling stomach, you pause the show you're watching and go to the fridge. 

"Surprise, surprise!" You said rather loudly but it didn't matter because you live alone in a decent sized apartment. You decide you need to look some what presentable when you go out to get groceries and hop in the shower. It took you a bit to get the water to the right temperature because your shower decided to have two settings, freezing water from the arctic circle or lava in the form as water from satan's ass. 

After melting your face off in the shower you go get dressed in skinny jeans and cute flannel, then putting on eyeliner and lipstick you are finally ready to go to the store. You grab your keys and lock the door behind you and start walking to the store, which is only a few blocks away. When you finally get to the store you are a little out of breath because you were speed walking, but you caught your breath quickly and walked in. There is not many people there, saying they are all probably partying and getting drunk off their asses! Though that didn't really bother you, you were perfectly fine with just having a relaxing weekend. You quickly go around getting a bunch of food, mostly frozen pizza and one tub of your favorite ice cream. You buy your items and brace yourself for the chilling winds from outside.

 I started back home at a brisk face with the cold biting wind urging you faster along with the sun hanging low in the sky, you really didn't enjoy staying out when it got dark. You didn't know what you were afraid of but you were just scared of the dark, something about the dark just sent chills down your spine. When you finally saw your apartment you were relieved, but you had forgotten about the crack in the sidewalk tripping. You dropped all of your stuff and hear footsteps quickly approaching. 

"Are you ok?" You hear someone question with concern laced in his voice,  you give out a I'm ok to let him know that you're fine. His voice, oh his voice gave you goose bumps. His voice was deep and was smooth it melted your heart. 

"Do you need help?" The man asked giving you a questioning look from his upright position.

" Um... please?" You say shyly, he bends down to help you pick up your groceries. You finally look at the man helping you, he is tall with broad shoulders, black hair kinda messed up but it suits him. His eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown, he really looked good but you snapped out of your daze once he said something. 

"Hi my name is Mark, what's yours?" Mark asked as the two of you walked the few yards you had left to your doorstep, opening the for you and Mark. 

"My name is (y/n)." you said a bit out of breath from walking so far and tripping to top it all off.

"Well hello (y/n)!" Mark said rather enthusiastically as you put your groceries on the kitchen table with Mark following. 

"Hi Mark," you reply sheepishly, "so um... now what?" you asked blushing lightly as the handsome man in front of you peered down at how because of how tall he was. 

"Well we could exchange numbers and talk," Mark replied a little to excitedly "if you want to." he adds quickly blushing. You giggle a little and smile.

"Sure!" You say giving Mark your number and him giving you his.

"You live here right?" Mark questioned innocently.

"No, I just walked into someone's house and I magically got their keys to open the door!" you say sarcastically, making you and Mark laugh and he blushes a little realizing how stupid his question was. 

"It"s just that I only live 2 or 3 apartments down from you!" he said scratching the back of his neck giving you his cute and innocent smile.

"Oh," you say awkwardly "so how comes I haven't seen you at all?" You question Mark. 

"Oh..I um...don't come out of my apartment unless I really need to." Mark says looking away not meeting your eyes with a deep blush on his face.

"Well thank you for helping me with my groceries." you say not sure of what to do next. 

"It's no problem really," Mark says "so do want to go get coffee sometime tomorrow?"Mark asks flashing ou a hopeful smile.

"Uh sure what time will you be over?" you asked feeling excitement wash over you that you had such a hot date. 

"How about 9:30?" Mark asked you cocking his eyebrow at you.

 "Yep I don't have work so I'll be home all day." you smiled as the two of you hug awkwardly and you say your goodbyes to each other. You sigh loudly and go to get ready for bed so you could wake up early tomorrow.

Author's note

I just want to thank you guys for reading this and say that I am new here on wattpad. Also tell me every criticism you have because I need to be able to learn from my mistakes. Thank you for your time <('-')>

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