chapter 11

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Author's Note 

i want to thank you guys quickly for your support and for reading my story. I know it is NOT the best fan fiction out there so thank you for reading it. if you guys want to read a really good fan fiction go read Gamer & A Rebel: Hearts Collide by Crazy_BlueEyes. love you guys <3

Mark's P.O.V

"I hated the fact that i had to leave (y/n) in the hospital by herself, but better yet i am pretty sure my one true love and one of my most trusted friends are keeping a secret from me and i don't like that." You thought to yourself during the drive home, the car ride home was silent all except the music the radio was playing. Honestly you weren't that sure you wanted to even talk to creeps at the moment, so when you finally got home you just told creeps that you didn't feel so well and that you were going strait to bed.  Really you felt fine you just didn't think you could talk to him without strangling him, you didn't know why you were so mad at creeps but something told you that you were going to be once you found out this secret of theirs.

Creep's P.O.V

You went to bed soon after Mark went to bed having nothing else to do until tomorrow, which was go see (y/n). While lying in bed trying to go to sleep, you thought to yourself, "I know i shouldn't love (y/n), but i do and i hate my self for doing so. What am i doing? She has a boyfriend, though i'm sure i could be a better boyfriend then Mark ever could be." was the last thing you remember thinking about before drifting off to sleep.

You wake up feeling happy and energized, and you knew exactly why,you would get to go see (y/n) today. You still felt bad about loving (y/n) but what could you do? Since you woke up before Mark you made some pancakes and bacon, being sure to be quiet and get out the butter and syrup. (you can replace the butter and syrup with the toppings you like on your pancakes.) Just as you were finishing up making breakfast, you hear Mark stomping down the hall.

You: "Mourning sleepy-head!" you say trying to sound happy, and thankfully it worked. 

Mark: "How do you even manage to get up so early?" he says groggily. 

All you do is laugh in response to his question, while putting a pancake and some bacon on his plate. Most of breakfast was just sitting and eating in silence until you decided that you were going to go get in the shower and get dressed so you could go see (y/n) as soon as possible, of course you left out the part where it had to do with (y/n) though.   

Mark's P.O.V 

Creeps got up and walked out of the kitchen after telling you he was going to go get in the shower,  "I should probably get in the shower as well." you though to yourself soon finishing your breakfast and hopping into the master bedroom shower, the opposite shower from  creeps.

Hey guys sorry i have not been updating for a while but i will try to get back into the swing of thing, sorry love you guys! BAH-BYE

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