Chapter 9

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You were at the movies and the boys were basically jumping out of their skins with excitement. It was surprisingly funny to watch them run over each other to get in the movies to see what was playing. You were just calmly following behind them as they tried to rush you into the movies, "it's no use! I've got the movie already and you wont be able to find out until it starts." you declared to them. "What?!" mark said in a shrill voice. you chuckle slightly, "yep! your going to have to wait." you say evilly smiling. "Ok", you say walking to the concession stand "who wants want?"

Mark: "i want some CHEEZE ITS!"

You: "Mark, they don't have cheeze its!"

Mark: "Yes they do look!" he says pointing to a small long box labeled "cheeze its"

You: "Ok" You say, "creeps what do you want?" you ask while digging into your purse for your credit card.

Creeps: "Erm, can i get some... um... sour skittles?"

You: "Sure! Oh and i'm paying by the way." you say handing the guy that was helping you with your stuff.

Cashier: "Is that all?"

You: "Oh um, can i get sour gummy worms and two large drinks? coke please for both." you look questioningly at creeps to see if that was ok. He must have gotten the message because he nodded to show that it was ok. "And that will be all thank you"

You were now walking down a hall to your theater when you told creeps and Mark to cover their eyes so they wouldn't be able to see the label that is above the theater number.

Creeps & Mark: "But whyyy?" They pouted.

You: " because I said so and what I say, you do!" You say giggling at how quickly they covered their eyes after you said that. You grab both of their free arms and bring them close so you could guid them to the theater. Once you got in the theater and you let them uncover their eyes.

Mark: "I'm pretty sure creeps peeked!" He wined

Creeps: "did not!"

You: "how about you not argue and let's find seats before all the good one are ta... ken" you faltered on last word because as you said that you looked around and saw no one else was there. "Oh, never mind then!" You say as you start going to the middle row "I call middle seat as well!" You yell back at the boys.

Mark: "What, why?"  He says in a shrill voice marketing you laugh.

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You: "Cause I said so, and this was my idea soo..."

Mark: "Yeah what ever." Mark mumbles

You chuckle at Mark and sit down where you think the middle is (if you don't like the spot I chose for you to sit then you can sit in your favorite spot.) The boys come and join you, Mark on the right and creeps on the left.

You: "Ok one for you and one for us, you say while giving creeps his drink and sitting yours between you and Mark. Mark smiles his goofy smile and grabs your hand right when your were about to pull it away. You smile back and quickly peck his lips and turn to watch the preview for pitch perfect 2. (If you don't like pitch perfect or pitch perfect 2 you need to leave -_-) after another couple of minutes the movie comes on and that movie was unfriended.

*After the movie*

You got a refill of your soda before leaving because why not? Then you run out after Mark and creeps because they went ahead of you instead of wait.

You: "Hey, why didn't you wait for me?" You say loud enough for them to hear you but you made sure there was a hint sarcasm in your voice so they knew you were playing with them.

Creeps: "You were to slow!" He said chuckling

"God," you thought to yourself "I don't know he his accent manages to make my heart skip a beat."  "Wow! I have a boyfriend and we are happy together what am I thinking?"

On the way home you felt a buzzing in you pocket, so you pull out your phone seeing your friend texted you.

Ayianna: Hey wanna go out to night and party??

(Y/n): yeah dude totally!

(Y/n): wait I have to check with the boys :/

Ayianna: kk hurry though can't wait forever!

(Y/n): yay! They approved when will you be picking me up?

Ayianna: about 8:00

(Y/n): k see you then!

You put your phone back into your pocket looking around to see you were pulling into Mark's driveway. You jump out quickly, soda in hand. "Gotta go get ready!" You say excitedly because you haven't seen Ayianna in forever.

You looked nice, wearing your (f/c) dress with heels and you did your makeup and hair. (For all you lovely people who don't know what (f/c) stands for it is favorite color

Creeps: "uh you look amazing (y/n)." He says also blushing 

Creep's p.o.v

Suddenly there was a knock at the door saving you and (y/n) from a really awkward moment. She just storms out of the house without even saying good bye, suddenly you felt a weird feeling in your gut but you just couldn't put you finger on what you felt. Dread, sadness, nervousness? What ever it was it wasn't good and you knew something bad was about to happen.

*couple of hours later*

You and Mark were watching the news for some odd reason , but whatever the reason you were thankful in the end. Mark had gotten up to get something to drink when suddenly a news reporter said "Breaking news: 22 year old (f/n) has been rapped and stabbed 3 times in the stomach." (Btw (f/n) means full name)  You scream in horror and tell Mark to get dressed and ready.

Mark: "Why what's wrong?" He looks at you questioningly.

You: I'll explain in the car, but for now let's go!" You were breaking down at this point so you grabbed Mark by the arm and the keys, and ran out the door to the car.

Author's note

Ha ha cliff hanger what will happen next? I'm not sure and you guys can help me decide that! How? Well by texting me on kik and giving me suggestions! My kik is tankwoman don't judge the name k? Also I need to know if you guys think I should continue this story or not, and if you want to do that then in the comments tell me if you want me to continue it. I have to see 5 comments saying that they want me to continue the story if this is going to continue. See you later lovelies, peace!

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