chapter 13

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hey guys muffin girl hear i want to put a trigger warning at the beginning of the  chapter and i'm sorry for not putting one on the other chapter. If you do get triggered easily then go to the end of the chapter i will put a summary there without any of the self harm.

Your P.O.V

You were surprised to see Creeps standing in the doorway waiting for you to come out of the bathroom.

You: "Oh hey i didn't expect you to be back so soon since mark said it would take a while to get the video stuff done." you say some how managing to keep your calm composure.

Creeps: "Erm yeah i just came back quick to get my phone and to tell you that you are really good at drawing." a light blush creeped onto his cheeks while he looked down at the floor.

You suddenly felt blood begin to slowly make its way down your arms, so you folding them across your chest hoping that creeps won't notice it if it does show through. 

You: "It's um over there on the table" you say looking in its direction. Creeps quickly goes and grabs his phone but what he does next you couldn't ever prepare yourself for, not in a thousand years, Creeps walks up to you and kisses you. Creeps disappeared as quickly as he came, in the matter of seconds. You stood there looking at where he had disappeared at, still stunned at what had just happened. You finally snapped out of it and told yourself that you were dating Mark and that you shouldn't think about Creeps in any other way then a friend. You walked back to your bed put the scissors under the mattress so no one would find them and ask why you had them. You got on your phone and checked skype wanting to see if anyone had messaged you and someone had, oh how you wished you didn't read it because it was on of your close friends kept writing and telling you that you should kill yourself. Tears started to flow seconds after opening your skype and soon you felt that numb sensation again. "Is this hell?" you cried quietly so no one would hear you. You cried for a couple hours though you still didn't feel better, you knew what you needed to do to feel better. So you grabbed the scissors and went to the bathroom making 20 deep cuts in your arms, as you were making you heared someone come into the room and then you heard a knock.

Mark: " (Y/n)? You in there?"

You: "Uh yeah i'll be out in a second!" you call back almost losing your shit. You quickly wash the blood out of the sink along with the scissors hiding it underneath the sink. Then you wrap your arms and head out of the bathroom putting on a fake smile hopping it was believable. You knew as soon as Mark saw you that he could see strait through your fake smile, "screw Mark and his stupid sixth sense for you!", though you were happy enough that he didn't bring it up while Creeps was there.  


your friend keeps messaging you to kill yourself and you get really upset and ___ but you are interrupted by Mark and Creeps coming back from recording. Sadly you are a very bad liar and knew mark could see right through your fake smile. (For all of you who stayed for the summary get a sneak peek into the next chapter ^_^) What you really didn't know was that your friends account had been hacked by a crazy fan girl who just wanted you out of the way so she could try and get with Mark.

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