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Your p.o.v

You and Mark sang along, actually really good, to the lion king songs. You and Mark cuddling the entire time that you were watching the movie. You look at Mark admiring his beautiful features when he looked over and caught you staring,you blush slightly. Mark does his fan-girl melting smile and makes a muscle with one of his arms, "See anything you like?" He asks in his sexy deep voice,laughing you kiss his cheek and punch him lightly. "Shudd up!" Mark laughs at this and hugs you tightly. After watching a bunch of Disney movies later that night you look at the clock to find it was nearly 2am. You look over at Mark, who had fallen asleep, who nudge him to no avail. "Get up lazy and let's go to the bedroom instead of sleeping on the couch, it will be much more comfortable!" At that you and Mark get up sleepily and go to up the spiral stair case. As you were about to go to the guest room Mark grabs your wrist,"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" You blush slightly. "Um yeah that would be nice." You say looking into Mark's chocolate brown eyes, and him looking into your (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n),I love you."  "I love you too Mark" you say before you kiss him passionately. You were the one to pull away because you knew that if you hadn't it would have led to something else, and you weren't sure you were ready for that.

Mark's p.o.v

(Y/n) pulled away and you were rather upset, too upset. You thought to your self "what the fuck is wrong with me!?", "did I really just try and get (y/n) to try and sleep with me??" You look down not meeting her eyes. She makes you look at her "I love you I really do  Mark its just that I'm not ready for this yet, but I will sleep in your bed with you just promise me you won't force anything upon me?" You look at her kind of hurt "Of course (y/n)!" She starts crying a little, you immediately hug her "What's wrong (y/n)?" She is sobbing now, "it's not you its just that before I met you there was a guy who I was forced to love abused me." She was crying hard now and you hug her tightly trying not to cry yourself.

Your p.o.v

You were crying now not holding back. Mark hugged you tightly and you hugged him back crying into his chest. He suddenly picked you up and brought you to his bed and covered you. Mark joined you bringing you to him and cuddling you while you cried. You woke up Mark still holding you tightly against his chest and you were quite grateful for the warmth and comfort he gave you. You looked back at Mark noticing he had his shirt off, you didn't remember him taking his shirt off last night. You looked under the covers making sure you both had your clothes on and you did. "Mark", you say waking him up and he smiles at you. "I'm gonna got jump in the shower quick k?"  He looks at you "ok good ahead."  You get up forgetting that you had your sleeves rolled up and Mark sees your scars "(y/n)?"  " Yeah Mark?"  "Can you come.here quick before you get in the shower?"  "Yeah sure" you say questioningly as you walk over to Mark and sit on the bed. He crawls up to where you were sitting and grabs your wrist a little to tight. "Mark wha…" you trail off as you see his eyes full of concern and anger, he flips your arm over and you look down at the scars you had caused by cutting. "Is this what you do to yourself when your room?" He asks looking down at one cut that was rather fresh. You look away not wanting to answer. He makes you look at him "answer me please" he has tears in his eyes you open your mouth to reply.

Author's note

Hey  hope you are enjoying my lovelies, I'll be updating soon enough. :P

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