never thought i would be writing this

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You finally stop struggling against Mark, realizing it was useless. "Ok" you say quietly. "Ok what?" Mark growls into your ear. "Ok I won't do it any more" you say looking straight into his eyes. After a minute Mark finally gets up, bringing you with home and hugging you tightly. Mark picks you up bridal style bring you down stairs and sets you down on the couch. "Are you hungry (y/n)?" Mark asks you walking to the kitchen. "Umm sure, what do you have?" You yell back at Mark, "well... um.. how about these?" Mark suddenly comes running in,looking really excited, holding cheezits. You laugh slightly "sure!" Mark jumps on the couch beside you and turns on a movie, and you and Mark cuddle for a while. Suddenly the doorbell rings, and you jump and scream a little because fun fact you were really jumpy. Mark just laughs "what, I was just getting up to get the door!" You say laughing. You run to the door before Mark can say anything, you open the door to reveal a tall white male with wacky raven hair. "Mark, it's for you!" You yell back to Mark, looking questioningly at the guy standing in the door frame. "Who is it Mark?" Mark says and you say snapping at him "well if I knew I wouldn't be calling for you now would I?" Mark gets up and stomps over to the door, Mark's face suddenly lights up and he hugs the strange man. "Hey it's been to long man", in a rather high pitched voice. This mystery man replies in a British accent,"yeah, it's been way to long!"

You look at Mark, "let me introduce you two, (y/n) this is creeps, creeps this is (y/n)."  You look at creeps, what kind of name is that? You ask your self, eh what ever. Mark adds quickly "that's just his nickname by the way." You smile at creeps, and he smiles back "hello (y/n)." He replies in a cheery voice, "hey." You say in a more reserved shy manor, you weren't really the best at making friends but you didn't want to mess this up. (Quick note I just wanted to add Creepsmcpasta because why the hell not?) You turn around quickly and walk back to the couch to hide your blush. "Come join the dark side we've got Cheezits!" You say trying not to laugh, and earning a snicker from Mark and Creeps. Creeps and Mark walk over and you look at what your wearing and decide that you should probably change. "No wonder creeps was looking at me weirdly, I'm only freaking wearing   a belly shirt and some shorts!" You Chang quickly into one of Mark's flannels and pajama pants, that were pink with animated rabbits covering their ears saying "I can't hear you." You start to head down the spiral staircase, when you hear Mark and creeps talking about you. Creeps:" Mark, how did you even manage to get someone so..."


Creeps:"yeah, teach me your ways!"

You go down the rest of the stairs loud enough to let them know you were there and all Mark had to say was "speaking of the devil!" So you reply, thinking quickly saying "dammit who told you?" You frown, stomp over to the couch and stand in front of them. "Was it you creeps?" You try to act angry, and you see creeps blush a little. You burst out laughing and an idea pops in your head, you lean down and and hug creeps. Then you whisper ever so quietly to make sure Mark doesn't hear," play along if you want to see how jealous Mark can get." He hugs you tighter as if to signal that he understood, so you sat down between Mark and creeps. Mark looks at you expecting you to snuggle up against him, but instead you cuddle up to creeps and he puts his arms around you so you knew he was going to play along. Mark looked really surprised, and frankly, not so happy about you cuddling creeps. Just to make him more jealous, you sat in creeps lap and put your head on his chest smirking at Mark. He mouthed to you "don't you dare!" As if he knew exactly what you were going to do next. You turned around straddling creep's lap and you kissed him on the lips. Creeps was surprised by this, but in a second he was kissing you back. You could tell Mark was so mad, his face a bright red, so you kept going until Mark pulled you away from creeps. You could tell Mark was furious, but you didn't care you and Creeps were too busy laughing. Then Mark whispered to you "you'll regret that later tonight", he growled in a sexy voice. At that you shivered, not knowing if to be excited or scared. Creeps looked at you questioningly because you had suddenly stopped laughing, then he looked at Mark who had a smug smile on his face. "Hey guys, are you going to go to the party tomorrow?" You look at creeps questioningly, then to Mark as he says: "yeah, of course wouldn't miss it for the anything in the world!"

Time skip because I'm lazy

Creeps had just left and now it was only you and Mark, you were quite nervous remembering Mark's words from earlier. You were in the kitchen looking for something to eat, suddenly Mark came running in and picked you up bridal style and and brings you to his room.

Author's note
Smut up ahead so if you don't like that then skip it Kk see you soon Lovelies.

Mark looks up at you for approval, remembering your words from last time. You nod, and Mark continues to tease you. Suddenly Mark pounces on you and starts kissing you aggressively, while unbuttoning the flannel you were wearing. Once he fully unbuttoned the flannel he threw it aside, along with his shirt he was wearing. He then ripped of his pants and his boxers leaving him naked, he moved to you next taking of your pajama pants painfully slow. You whimper slightly "m-Mark please." He looked at you innocently,"please what?" He spurred at you leaning towards you. You really didn't to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had you right where he wanted you, but you just couldn't help yourself. "F-fuck me", you moaned loudly, because you knew it drove him crazy. Suddenly he pushed into you hard and fast, and you let out a pleasured moan. "I'm going to make you scream my name" he spurred into your ear before moving to your neck and sucking on it harshly. "Mark" you moan as you felt you were getting close to your high. He then pulled out moving down towards where you needed him, planting sloppy kisses as went. Mark's tongue was suddenly inside you making you moan so loudly you thought the people who lived beside you could hear your moans. You then hit your first high of the night, moaning even louder then before. Mark was now back inside you going even deeper and harder then before. You could feel the familiar pit in your stomach building again, Mark then came and that sending you over the edge you reached your high you both riding it out and moaning. Mark then collapsed beside you, and he pulled you close to him and you fell asleep in his arms feeling safe.

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