Chapter 7 - Alpha Powers

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We went out of the red jeep which was parked at a side of the road . Wolfy howled which I guess showing her power . This made the new girl to bow in response .

" Hey why did you bow ? "

" I . I am the omega of the pack so its a sign of respect . "

She said after looking at the death glares which I was giving her .

" Tim , over there . "

" Lets go ."

We went through the forest and found the Tim wolf in his wolf form . He ran towards our direction . Waverly shot him with a bullet from her shotgun it did nothing but pissed him off . He growled in anger and ran towards Waverly . Waverly stiffen in fear at the figure running towards her I sense it and after a long time she turns to run . But it was too late .

Waverly's POV

I froze when I saw the massive figure running towards me . Before I could do anything to run away , it already caught me by my waist and pulled me towards it . I screamed and there was a shot sound . I saw Wynonna with her peacemaker .


Suddenly the wolf falls in the ground and change its form and hold the area when the bullets passed him and screamed in pain . And the area formed blisters .

" Wynonna your bullets contain silver isn't it ? "

" Yes I took it from the hunters during full moon night . "

" Oh fidget nuts . "

" I know . "

" Well guys I think there are more . " The new girl said . And saw that massive huge figures are coming towards us .

" Well Haughtshot lets get them down . "

" Yeah right . You both up ? "

" Yesss . " We said in unison .

Nicole's POV

We entered into the forest . My senses were sharp at night . My vision feels like an X-ray that can see through darkest spot at night . My sense of hearing intensified too . I can even hear Waves taking soft breathes even when she is a little far away from me . I try to concentrate on the my sense of smell try to sense any Bulshar wolves . We moved quite inside the forest .

" Well its getting to lighten up I think we need to head home . What about you Haughtshots ? "

" I think they are close just we cant find them is all . "

" Well but I think its time we head home and you both need to sleep Cole . "

" Ok fine . "

Just as we turned around to move out of the forest the was a huge thud . And suddenly I hear Waverly screaming at the top of her lunges .

" They caught her . Let me take over you . "

" Ok but remember the rule ? Without changing . "

" Ok fine . Lets go . "

" Yeah . "

Wolfy took over me and I was running at a super fast speed I looked behind and saw the girl was behind me too but I didn't see Wynonna . I thought about this as best possible and Wolfy understood and I starting taking my clothes off while running and hid it behind a tree and shifted instantly . I was so huge in my normal form that it took that girl a second to register me . The suddenly I howled and the wolf who was carrying Waverly bowed in response . I howled and ordered him to leave her and run away if he wanted to stay alive . He instantly left the place and ran away for his dear life . I motioned the girl to take care Waverly while I shifted back and got dressed real quick and heard a bullet shot and was sure it was peacemaker . The girl was still in her wolf form . I came quikly and lifted Waverly's head on my lap .

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