Chapter 17 - History of Titan

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Alex's POV


When I entered the meeting room John with both his mates and Waverly was present .

" So Alex what calls for the meeting ? "

" Well John as I said - Wolfy is not a regular wolf . She has been a gift of moon goddess . In 11 th century - There was a fight between werewolf and vampire vs witches . The werewolf was weaker than witches so did vampires . They combined together and signed up for being allies . They fought with bravery but were very dissatisfied with the result . The werewolf decided to pray to moon goddess to help them to fight the war . The vampire did too to their goddess . The moon goddess and vampire goddess made a werewolf and a vampire with a quality which was exceptionally good and the best fighter ever born in this whole world to fight against . They were immortal . Both the High werewolf alpha and the high vampire fought side by side and defeated the witches rule over ages and killed them only living them who served to all kind of human , supernatural beings .

Those special kind of werewolves and vampires still lived only the difference in werewolves were the moon goddess send the first female strongest alpha in these world and her off springs were all male alpha . The moon goddess believed that only female has more capability than male but male has more physical strength . She believed to win a war like that - there was no time for a female to think and then tell her plan to male . So she out both the feature in one .

In 1873 , the male alpha offspring of the special werewolf and vampire were unbearable by the local . The off springs during those time were very cruel that they eat the human alive - both the werewolf and the vampire . The common people feared them as well as their own packmates . They called the moon goddess and the vampire goddess for the second time . Both the goddess were really disappointed by their activities so they send the moon angel with a sword to the hand it to the right person .

The moon angel travelled all across Ghost River Triangle but found none worthy of the sword . Until one day , he saw the way the locals respect and love a 26 years young man . He observed him and finally knew that he was the only person worthy of the sword . He trained the man , when he was training the man he saw that the man was more comfortable with gun than sword . So he changed the sword into gun and then finally the 77 werewolf off springs were killed out of 80 . Those 77 off springs of the special wolf were very powerful to die at once so they came back again in the world when the heir of the man becomes 27 since he killed them at the age of 27 after one year of training . "

" Ok so you are telling that the moon angel is my father and the man is Wyatt Earp - our great great grand father . "

" Hell yeah . She is the next generation of the remaining 3 out of 80 off springs . Since her blood contains the same power so peacemaker can weaken her wolf - the same way it did to other 77 such werewolf and vampire off springs . "

" So I am the strongest of them all ? "

" yeah and there's some thing more about you though . "

" Whats it ? "

" Your provided name is Titan and you are same powerful and your first kind . Only need proper training to finally awaken such power . I guess John can help you with that . Isn't it John ? "

" Yeah sure I will be glad to . "

" Good . The second thing is that you are a shifter . "

" Now what does that supposed to mean ? "

" Since you are the second strongest female alpha after your grand grand - I dont know how many grand - grandsire . "

" What does sire means ? "

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