Chapter 8 - First Rut

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It had been a week since I know about alpha powers and wolves . And slowly the days were passing , I was near my rut . I can feel it because my produce an uncontrollable heat . I told Waverly that I was going for rock climbing and some workout with a camp and mum will be gone too . So that she doesn't come to my house . It was the last night before my rut that that I feel totally uncomfortable . A huge pain starts from my abdomen and goes down to my vagina . It was totally unbearable . I was in my room now and lying on my bed with an ice pack placed on my stomach but it nothing except wetting my shits .

" Waves . "

I moaned her name in pain . My mum went outside for doing some work , so I was basically all alone in my room . After what feels hours my bedroom door opens and my mum enters .

" Oh Nicole , whats it honey ? "

" My rut . "

" What ? When is Waverly coming ? "

" She is not . Actually I told her I and you both in a camp so she wouldn't come . "

" But why honey ? "

" Cause I heard that during rut we only have sex what if I hurt her or do something to her . I am never going to forgive myself . "

" Oh honey .. look what I found . "

She says and I turn around to see a ginger ball of fire running towards me and jumped on me .

" Oh hello Ms Kitty whats your name ? "

I saw her chain and found JANE written over it . Before I could anything I saw Jane loudly purring me on me belly where I was once feeling a lot of pain . I smiled at her .

" A little calamity . "

" Hey she is not Nic . "

" Oh she is very much . Few minutes ago I was having pain in the same area where she is purring and now its gone . "

" Oh see she knows you very well . "

" I think she can smell my rut . Don't you Ms Calamity Jane ? "

I said the name and she looked at me aggressively with her ears cocked .

" Oh I think she loves her name . "

" Yeah I think it too . "

" Ok so now I was thinking about going to our old place and grabbing few things . "

" That's ok , when are you going ? "

" I was thinking about taking a flight which is in an hours . "

" That's fine . When are you coming back ? "

" Um I might take one week or two cause you know packing things sucks . "

" Yeah fine I would be with CJ . "

" CJ ? Who is that ? "

" This one , Ms Calamity Jane . "

" Oh god . ok . I better be ready to go to our home . "

" Yeah bye mum . "

She went to her room and I sat with kitty .

" Hey CJ you know I am in my rut , don't you ? "

I got a mew from her as if she understand me . We laid their with her in my lap the pain was less but was still there .After few minutes mum came to my room to say that she is going . After forty five minutes of her departure , I was very tired so I got to sleep .

Next day

I woke up whimpering and holding CJ close to me . The pain again started now it was more than yesterday . Calamity Jane was one my lap and I think she could understand that something was bothering me . She started to purr loudly on my belly again . It was doing a good job but the pain was there . After 2 long hours , the pain was completely gone but I feel different . The urge to have sex was within me . I think my rut was on top peek . But beside I think that my body has gone through many changes . I guess now the ability to have male characteristics ( too breed ) were their in my body .

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