Chapter 21 - A Witch

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Waverly's POV


I went to Wyn's room straight away . I saw her sleeping body .

" Nicole can you look outside and see if anyone is coming ? "

" Sure babe . "

She moved towards the door . I focused on my powers and forcing the angel in me to appear . When I opened my eyes the everything appeared white . I placed my hand over her heart and feel an energy pass from my hand to her . After few minutes she finally opened her eyes .

" Wa-aves . "

" Oh my god Wyn you came back to us . "

I couldn't hold back my tears I gave her a bone crushing hug . When I recovered I saw Nicole standing in front of me . I quickly press the emergency button .

" Wyn finally . "

A nurse came after a while I pressed the button .

" Excuse me , whats the problem here ? "

" Oh nothing , just she woke up right now . "

" Ok let me check her . "

The nurse checked her vitals . And noted it down .

" Her vitals are good , I will call the doctor soon . "

The nurse left .

" So guys what happened ? "

" You were unconscious for two weeks Wyn and "

" And ? "

" Nothing . "

" Baby girl why do I feel like you have something to do about me coming back ? "

" Oh yes Wyn she has use her powers . "

" Woah , as far as I remember , Julian said everything has a price so what was ours ? "

" Actually our price was ....... "

" Hello Miss Earp . Nice to meet you back in full form . How are you feeling ? "

" Nice and strong . "

" Good . We need to keep you for observation so that nothing happens serious . Seriously your condition was way more critical for a human being . Only miracle can save you . "

" Yeah ok . "

" So I would leave you all . Inform us if anything happens to her . "

" We will Doctor . "

" So "

" So ? "

" Tell me about price . "

" Its nothing really Wyn . Its just . "

" Nicole I am not buying that . Waves speak up . "

" Its um .. its OK ........ fine Nicolehastosacrificeherwolfyclaws . "

" Woah , ok may be a little slower . "

" OK , Here I shoot again Nicole has to loose her wolfy claws . "

" Her .. What ? "

" Claws . "

" You mean the whole thing including the parts attached to skin ? "

" Yeah , Wyn , her entire claws all of them . "

" Whole twenty ? "

" Yeah , Whole twenty . "

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