Chapter 25 - Rise of Bulshar

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We went to the forest and it was so dark that we could not see anything . I was like walking with my eyes closed but there was a yellow light in a dark room . When we finally reached the place , I saw Bobo enchanting something .

" Hey Bobo , what are you doing ? "

He heard my voice but he cringed his face but then ignored me .

" I thought you were going to do a duel with me or like kill me , but no you only flew away taking my baby like a coward . You know what ? Both you and your master are coward . You just have the courage to show it and your master just does and didn't even have the luck to know what was its result . I thought that you would like to . "

As I was speaking these lines , I almost reached near peacemaker and was just two inch away from it when Bobo did something which threw me out a few metres away .

" My master is not coward . He just did the right thing but people betrayed him and so he is like that right now - Not dead , not alive . "

" This is all because of you , if Julian hadn't converted the sword into a gun everything would be ok . But no he has to do it , but don't worry , none of you can now stop him from rising . You cannot come inside this . The only one who has the permission is Derek , the alpha of Bulshar . And he is dead , so I am invinsible . And so is my master . "

he laugh his devilish laugh and started chanting again . I was totally spell bound and cannot move .

God damnit !!!

Two wolf tried to cross the spell border but as soon as one of the wolf's paw hit the border , it burned down . Like in front of our eyes . The other one ran back . I thought it was afraid , but it proved me wrong when he tried to enter the border by jumping but the result is same . Burnt down . I sighed and looked at Waves .

" Hey its gonna be ok . "

" I hope it would be . "

"yeah and I am sure . "

" Wynonna ? "

" Yes babygirl ? "

" I want this to be over . Whatever nightmare we are living in , I want this to be over as soon as possible . "

" Hey , t would be over soon , we would take down the entire seven and we would celebrate our victory , before the break of the dawn and going to Shorty's while celebrating it . Come on , its gonna be us who is going to laugh at the end . "

" I hope it is , Wyn , I even don't know how is Nicole doing over there all alone . We cannot move from here and nor no one can come here . Fuck !! "

As soon as she said it , we heard a growl . We turned to see it was Nicole . We tried to shout but it was like went deaf ears to her . Before we could do anything , she jumped and got inside the spell bound .


" Nicole , how ? How did you came inside it ? "'

She didn't answer , instead she took another leap and cross another boundary which lead to Bobo . And attacked him from behind . He has peacemaker is his hands . She took it with her mouth and threw it at me and surprisingly it came to me , without burning . WOW!!!

" How did you came inside ? No one can enter it except the alphas of Bulshar . "

She didn't respond to that too . What she did was she took a fucking huge bite from his abdomen and tear it apart . I was like going to puke in that instant

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