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"Unlock her." Rick murmurs as the guard slowly loosen my restraints. Griggs stands close by, staring at me to his dismay. Once all the chains are off, I stretch my arms in exhaustion. "Finally, I was beginning to think I was brought out here for the fun of it." I yawn as I look around, I notice the multiple guards standing behind me. I see my best friend in the whole world... Griggs, giving me a scared look. I turn to see Rick my ex lover and the same lady who visited me in my cell. The witch didn't turn up this time. Aww what a shame. But the real question is why are we in the middle of a field.

"So... why the fuck am I here? It's not that I don't like actually seeing the outside world, because don't get me wrong, I love it." I voice, trying to get a reaction from anyone but to no avail.

I then see a deer running freely around the field. "Oh shit! I know what I'm doing here. Old  man Rick and the scary lady want me to do a little exhibition." I sarcastically shout. "Sorry... I didn't bring anything for show and tell." I laugh as they stand in silence in front of me, Rick narrows his eyes at me.

"Your not as dumb as you appear to be. You know what to do." Amanda breaks the silence in the field. "So what should I exactly do?" I question. "Kill it." She replies. "Why should I. What do I gain from doing so?" I taunt to slightly agitated lady. "You can stop with the theatrics, you're hungry and in a desperate need for food. They don't feed you here, you want a human, someone's mind to pick as you eat their insides." The woman whispers into my ear. My fangs start to pierce through my gums.

"If I kill this innocent little deer, how does that duplicate a human? It's not like there's any willing volunteers." I turn around to look at the guards who look away in fear. "I always find a way." She plainly replies.

I turn back around to face the deer as it eats the berries from the bush. I then look to see Rick, he sends me a blank look, but deep down worry consumes him. He doesn't want to see her in her most deadliest form. He's been dreading this moment for a long time.

I send him a flirtatious wink as my eyes changes colour. His eyes widen in concern as he's never seen her like this. The little strands of blonde in my hair, now become black, my face hardens as it becomes more slender, now gaunt. I become taller in height and slender. I hear a few gasps as I stare at the clueless deer.

My mind is now consumed by dark, evil thoughts. Now the transformation is complete. Now the demon is in control. Babydoll is gone. The demon lunges at the innocent deer, the deer squeals in pain as the demon's teeth pierces into it's side.

Rick looks at the scene in disgust as the demon tears the deer apart, eating its kidney. He leans over to Amanda who's too indulged with the scene before her. "Are you sure we need her? She seems a little unstable." He tries to convince her. "She's perfect, she has a weakness, physically she's deadly but mentally she's just a lost soul. No one to love, no guidance. Nothing but a pretty face. A perfect puppet." Amanda says with no remorse.

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