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"Why do you eat people?" Harley walks up to the quiet Croc. "Gives me power." He says trying to shoo her away.

"Would you like to eat me?" Harley walks in front of him, blocking his front view. "Hell no."

"Oh, why not?" She pouts. "I don't want your crazy." He says as he looks down at the deranged girl.

"Says the guy who lives in a sewer." She fires back defensively. "At least I know it's a sewer." He replies.

"Oh I get it! Cuz' this is a sewer too? Only with nice shops and restaurants right?" She points her bat at the abandoned shops and restaurants in the quiet street. "You hate mankind much? Let me guess... mommy didn't take you to Chucky Cheese on your sixth birthday, I can recommend a good therapist." She taunts the ridiculed Croc, he growls at her before attempting to punch her but stopping himself. She laughs at him as he walks forward.

"Why?" El Diablo interjects. Harley turns around and sends him a bored look, the type of face a brat would make. "Because I'm bored! I need a victim, a mind to pry apart and spit in."

"Just leave it mate, she's a rabbit hole, don't fall in." Boomer ushers Diablo along.

I jog up to KC. "Yo! KC!" I yell trying to get his attention but he ignores me. "I know you can here me because I'm loud as fuck!" I wave my arms around.

Ok if he wants to play that game, then I'll play it to. I run up towards him and jump on his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders for support.

"Hey friend!" I squeal in his ear and he growls at me, trying to shake me off but I throw myself off.

"Listen... jokes aside. Don't listen to whatever Harley says, she's a wind up." I try to reconcile with KC. "Why do you care. You're just like her aren't you?" I gasp dramatically. "I can't believe you think that KC. Well... I'm not. The only reason why I even talk to her is because she's fucking my brother."

"But you have her crazy." He replies. "That's the problem with people. They believe she's the one I got my crazy from. I never asked for my crazy. Call me pathetic." I grip my sword tighter.

"Why are you even talking to me. No one else does." He scoffs to himself. "KC, I'm not scared of you, not because I'm a demon witch. It's because I understand you. You never asked for this, you were cursed."

"What makes you think that's what happened?" He looks down to me and sends me an annoyed look.

"Well... for instance, why haven't you killed me yet? Better yet, why are you even interested in whatever I'm saying? I know why, you enjoy the human contact, you enjoy that you can have a conversation with someone who doesn't think your vermin or scum. I don't treat you any different or look at you any different." I stand on my top toes whispering in his scale covered ears.

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