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"Behold the voice of God." Rick announces while holding an iPad in front of us. The bitch from a few days ago popped up. "For those who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller, there's an active terrorist event in midway city. I want you to enter the city, rescue hvt1 and get them to safety."

"I'm sorry... for those who don't speak good guy, what is hvt1?" Deadshot raises his hand in question. "The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill. Complete the mission and you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die."

Yeah right, like to see her try. "Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you, remember I'm watching, I see everything." She ends the call.

"There's your pep talk." Rick adds. "Compared to your shit, she killed it. So that's it? What are we some kind of suicide squad?" Deadshot smirks at Flag. "I'll notify your next kin." Rick shoves Floyd as he walks past him.

"Alpha bravo team. Mount up!"

We're all put on the helicopter, I sit in between Harley and Captain Boomerang. As we start to get off the ground, a small figure jumps onto the helicopter. "You're late." Rick huffs at her.

She says in Japanese "I was busy." (All Japanese is in bold)

She shot herself up slicing right through the man. She swings the sword at the other three men. She slices the other two in the arm leaving them defenceless. She turns it face the other man attempting to attack her from behind but she blokes it. She kicks the sword out of the man's hand and backs him against the entrance of an abandoned restaurant.

"Please have mercy." The crook begs for mercy as she holds the sword to his neck . "Where was the mercy for my husband?" She replies.

"I didn't kill him." He shouts as he slides down the wall. "But you watched. Criminals deserve no mercy." She says before slicing open his neck.

"This is Katana. She's got my back, she could cut all you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of her victims." He announces.

"Why did you even need to bring it up, it's kind of obvious." I say to myself, everyone looks at me weirdly. "What? It's true!" I raise my hands up.

"Harley Quinn, nice to meet you. Love your perfume. What is that the stench of death?" She laughs as she raises her hand out towards Katana. "Should I kill them?" She pulls out her sword ready to attack. "Try it and see what happens to you." I spit at her, everyone looks at me in confusion. Rick gives me a look, like the look a parent would give their child to tell them to shut the fuck up.

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