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I rush into the bar, everyone turns to my direction. Probably looking at my swollen lips and my red cheeks.

Harley ushers me to sit on the bar stool. "What you having KC?" She asks. He says nothing. "Bloody Mary, right?" Lawton jokes. "Drink dulls the mind." He says while facing the fish tank. "KC it's the end of the world! Have a drink with us." Harley pleads.

"Beer." He replies. "There he is give the man a beer." Boomer chimes in. "How bout you hit stuff?" She turns her attention to Diablo. "Water." He says quietly. "That's a good idea." She points at him in agreement. "Ninja? You want some Snake?"


"What am I 12?" Deadshot points at his empty shot glass. Harley tops him up. "Here's to honour among thieves." He toasts. "I'm not a thief." Katana says before walking to a booth.

"She's not a thief." He repeats as he clinks his glass with everyone else.

"I actually prefer to think of myself as an asset relocation specialist." Boomer boasts, I giggle at his confidence.

"Well we almost pulled it off, despite what everyone thought." Deadshot sighs in defeat.

"We weren't picked to succeed you know that right? We're all chosen to fail." El Diablo chimes in.

"Yeah I know what. Worst part is that their going to blame us for the whole thing. They can't have people knowing the truth, we're the patsy's, the cover up. Don't forget, we're the bad guys." Deadshot agrees.

"I was born with the Devil's gift. Kept it hidden most of my life, but... the older I got, the stronger I got. So I started using it. For business, you know?

The more power on the street I got the more firepower I got, like shit went hand in hand. You know, one was feeding the other.

Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. She used to pray for me, even when I didn't want it." Diablo stops, lost in his thoughts. I tap into his mind seeing him playing a flashback. His wife yelling at him in Spanish, pissed off at his antics.

Diablo raises hand up a little flame in the shape of a woman appears on his palm, dancing around. "God didn't give me this why should he take it away?"

Another flashback where she walks up to the dining table with a box in her hands, she empties it out to reveal money, drugs and guns. She yells at him in shock, he tells her to put it back. She says she's going to take the kids back to her mothers as she walks off, he shouts at her as he follows her.

"See, when I'm mad, I lose control, you know. I just-

I don't know what to do."

I gasp at the last flashback, him holding his dead wife in his arms, surrounded by fire, him crying in sadness as her body disappears. Only a memory.

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