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"I need to be closer to isolate her signal." Dr Van Criss says hesitantly. After the doctor injected the doctor with the chip he forced him to find a way to disarm Harley and Babydoll's chips.

Joker leans over to the pilot. "Closer." He whispers to him. "If I disable their explosive, the other devices will go into falloff mode." The doctor says.

"So?" Joker shrugs.

"The others will die." Joker looks at the doctor in disbelief. Who feels like an idiot for thinking Joker would give a fuck.

——— ☆ • ♧ • ♠ • ♧ • ☆ ———

We all climb through the large hole in the wall that the seal guys created, which leads to the stair well. They walk in front pointing their guns, ready to attack, as we climb up the long staircase, Harley begins to slow down.

"I got to join a gym." I say out of breath. "I got to work on my cardio." She huffs as she leans against the railing, she looks down the staircase.

They stand together at the edge of a platform inside the vat decomposing industrial plant. Harleen looks down at the chemical vat a hundred feet below them. A vile insidious liquid inside.

Joker points down towards the vat filled with bubbling chemicals. "There, I was born there." Harley stares down. She knows in her heart she wants the same. He grabs her shoulders. Staring into her souls with his madly hypnotic eyes.

"Question... would you die for me?" He asks as he touches her side."Yes." She answers, almost as if she's in a trance. "No... that's too easy. Would you live for me?" He continues.

He smiles "the smile" and it scares the living shit out of her. She starts shaking, there is a power about him, like a lion about to swallow a mouse.

Joker smiles at her, scaring her a little. Harley replies again. Joker becomes frustrated with her determination. "Will you embrace me, and only me?" Harley nods vigorously.

"Will you bind your spirit to mine... in hate? Do you co-sign your soul to me? Do you laugh at the world in disgust?"

Harley doesn't even comprehend what's she agreeing to, she just wants him and she won't stop until that happens. She will step over whoever she needs to achieve this. Even if it's his sister.


"Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want it? Do you really want it." He caresses her soft cheeks in curiosity, he's some how intrigued with Harley's commitment and loyalty.

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