Chapter 7

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Marinette and Adrien got home later that evening, dark bags under their eyes made them look more tired than usual. The next morning was quiet besides Louis playing action figures.  

"Emma, Hugo, make sure you're ready! You have to leave for school in 5 minutes!" called Adrien from the kitchen. Upstairs inside of  the house Hugo and Emma were having a conversation.

"Emma, we can't just take THEIR miraculouses!" 

"But Hugo, they don't even USE them!"

"Well they did, 30 years ago!" 

"Emma, please! Do you really think-"  

"EMMA, HUGO!  COME ON, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" cut in Adrien's voice, sharp but soft at the same time. 

"Fine, but you know that I'm right" Emma said, walking out of the door giving Hugo the classic 'little sister will kill you' look.


"Okay class, before we start our history lesson for today, I would like to talk about the musical coming up. Our class has been selected to be the cast! We will be putting on the musical adaption of Ladybug and Chat Noir!" A array of emotions scattered around Mr. Golde's classroom; terror, excitement, shock, and even some disbelief.  Yep, disbelief was definitely the look on Hugo's face. 

"Class, settle down now. Auditions will be held Friday in the gym. Please be prepared. Now turn to page 14" Hugo looked over at Bea. Bea has a quizzical look on her face, it was so hard to interpret her face, especially for an actress. 




"Beatrice Bourgeios, you're on deck!" My stomach did an uncountable amount of backflips before it felt like it fell to the ground. As Louisa Bruel finished her song, Mr. Golde called me up onstage. 

"Take as much time as you want before you start. Oh, and remind me again, Beatrice, which character are you auditioning for?" I felt frozen to the stage. 

"L...l...lady...ladybug..." I usually never, ever, ever get stage fright. I probably get that from my dad. He was a young actor, like me, turned fashion entrepreneur, which at fashion school he met my mother. For a huge Hollywood actress, you'd think I'd be ready to take action, leap onto the stage and belt out a song. But no, I cannot sing. I am completely terrified of singing. 

"Beatrice, you need to start singing. Other people need to go." 


Just do it. 

"At the night, I fri-iight-" 

Shoot. Voice crack. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who could hear myself singing. I was singing so softly, I sounded like a feather touching the ground.

"Beatrice, project your voice more. I really expected more from you.''

" side....fighting the darkest wings because the lucky charm will always provide...''

That was it. I just ruined my high school life. I instantly rushed to the bathroom.

A condescending and manipulative voice entered my head.

"Hello, Beatrice. Nobody could hear you? Too much pressure?" I sniffled. 

"Who are you and why do you know what happened just now?" I roared. 

"I'm Violette Papillion and I want to help you. I can make you do anything to anyone." I was so wrapped up in the embarrassment and anger that I didn't think twice.

I wish I never took up Violette Papillon's offer.


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