Chapter 9 - Hugo

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I'm going to be honest with you, holding one of the two most powerful miraculouses to EVER EXIST  in your own hands is terrifying. You've heard the tales of  Hawk Moth, how he nearly destroyed Paris, and how manically evil he was. 

Holding the earrings in my hand was probably the only time I've ever been thankful that Emma pierced my ears when I was 10.  I remember it so clearly and vividly; she snuck into my room late at night, everyone was asleep, well obviously except for her. I had eaten the last croissant, (Emma's favorite food, even more than galette) that evening, and she swore that vengeance would be upon me at midnight. Boy, was she legit. She took a needle and poked a hole in my ear. I think I might have woken up the whole Paris that night.

Apparently, I was zoned out because Emma was shoving me deeper into the alleyway. "Okay, we only have one chance, and this might also be our only chance." She inhaled and then exhaled. "Ready, Plagg?"

"On it, Emma."

"Plagg, Claws Out!"

Then, standing before me was Emma, in a suit that looked like Cat Noir's but had her own personal touch on it. "Wow. This is..amazing!!" She turned to me, "Now, it's your turn." 

"Okay. Fine." I was so nervous, I felt like I had a million butterflies in my stomach fluttering around, flapping their wings. I breathed in and out. 

"Tikki, I don't know if I can do this!" I said to the red and spotted kwami. "Trust yourself, Hugo. I knew you were going to hold this miraculous from the day I met you. You can do it."

"Tikki, spots on!" A feeling like I have never felt before sparked inside of me. The, there I was, standing in front of Emma, or, er, her superhero. 

"Ahem. We need names. Duh."

"Yeah. Um. Right." Honestly, I was too shocked to process and was probably zoned out. 

"I'll obviously be Chatton Noir. You can be Boybug."

"Boybug? Emma. You have got to be joking."

"Fine. What about Beetle?"

"That sounds, well...better."

"Good. Now, we have business to do. Let's go!" We leaped across buildings, houses and the in between. 

Chatton Noir and Beetle were finally ready for action.


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