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Ugh, okay, how do I say this? Well... I have a crush on Tom, but I don't think it's that obvious! Right now, I have a secret that I'm dying to tell everyone, but I'm obviously asleep.

   My life hasn't been the best. I was kidnapped at the age of three, by a man that hated my mother. A different man rescued me three years later, and he's now my father, and his wife I call my mother. No one knows, except my parents of course. The man that kidnapped me is still out there somewhere unless he died of natural causes or something.

   I suddenly feel mad at myself for not trying to look for my real parents, but I keep telling myself that they're probably dead. The thoughts raced through my brain, and a memory surged.    


   I'm five in this memory, and I remember this place from when I was three to six.    

   A man came in, he was painfully familiar.

   "Hello, girl." He said, "I have a surprise for you today. I have a new francium whip and knife, and I think I'll test them on you."

   Yep, that's the kind of surprise I was expecting. Francium is the rarest metal in the world, and he managed to get a knife and whip of it.

   As he said the last word, I felt a strong slash on my back, and I cried out. That must've been the whip. Another slash, this time it hit lower on my back, the next one hit my butt hard. I screamed at every hit until I couldn't move, talk or scream anymore. He stopped then, taking out the knife and picking up my arm.

End of dream

   I woke up, flying forward to see my friends looking concerned. Tom squeezed my hand, and I cuddled back into him, trying to escape the worried glances.

   After a few minutes, Maddie spoke up, "Ummm... Anyone else wondering what that was? 'Cause I'm confused, and that doesn't happen very often."

   She's right, Maddie only gets confused when something is wrong with a question.

   "I'm wondering too, you okay Meg?" Ethan asks.

   I turn my head away from Tom's chest and meet their troubled eyes. They're something I wouldn't dare say in front of anyone, not even my adopted parents... I can feel when something bad is going to happen, and also other people's emotions. Some people call it empathy, but it's more complicated. My kidnapper saw the use of me and tried different metals on me. Because of my powers, I have heightened senses and healing. I could tell my friends about the kidnapping... right? Eh, worth a shot!  

 I took a shaky breath before saying, "Okay... This isn't easy to say...." I paused and my friends' attention was entirely on me. "I was kidnapped at three, by a man who hated my mother...." I began the story, and by the end, Maddie, Harley, Lyla, and I were all crying. Tom had a mad expression on, and the same with the rest of the guys.

   "Meg, I'm so sorry. I didn't-" Lyla stopped, figuring out what to say before continuing, "I would have never guessed. Your par- Emily and Mark seemed so natural as your parents."

   Emily and Mark were the people who raised me. "It-it's fine. It was a long time ago. And it was just a nightmare." I reassured them.

   "OMG! I have, like, the most amazing idea of all time!" Harley exclaims suddenly. She pauses dramatically before squealing, "Since Meg and I have been bawling our eyes out for the past 24 hours... We should do makeovers!" The girls scream in excitement.

   "You are literally Einstein!" Maddie states, "Actually, scratch that. You're smarter than Einstein!"

   We laugh, the boys are probably questioning our sanity right now lol. We chat about stuff, and finally, decide to go to the mall to get some stuff. My "family" is rich, the richest people in the world (Really though) so we just use my card that has trillions of dollars on it.

   Once we reach the mall in Mark's limo, the girls tell the boys to go shopping for Christmas gifts seeing as Christmas is 4 weeks away. We girls go shopping for clothes. Once we're done, Harley texts Justin to meet at his place in an hour and a half. During that time, we get dressed up...

Sorry! I just needed to add one make-over in there! And it fits so well!


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