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Megan POV-

The night I got back, I had a nightmare for the first time in 7 days. 

"Hello, child." The man says as he walks in, a box in hand.

When he takes the lid off the box, it reveals three different size handcuffs. The man takes off his pants after chaining me to the table. 

I think you know what happens next...

I wake up in a cold sweat screaming my head off. 

The door bursts open and Tom comes running in. He bolts to the bed where I'm shaking and takes me in his arms. He whispers soothing words into my ear as I bury my head in his chest.


"Wanna talk about last night?" Tom asks me the next morning. I didn't have any nightmares after Tom came in, he helps me a lot. Just the touch of his fingertip makes a difference. 

"I had a flashback," I begin, and he gestures for me to continue, "It was when he came in with handcuffs... and he- um... raped me..." I said the last two words in a whisper, but Tom heard them.

His arms tightened around me and he pulled me to his chest again. 

"Oh my God love.... I didn't think he went that far..." Tom whispered as I cried into his neck. 

The door opened but Tom must've glared at whoever came in because the door creaked close again. 

************Time Skip bc your author is very lazy****************

"Girls!" I screach when I calm down. I shoo Tom out of the room when I hear the footsteps coming down the hall. "Makeover! I had a nightmare last night and now I'm a state! HELP!"

"Let's do some makeovers!" Lyla yells, and the other girls agree. We all decide to go super fancy, like ballgowns, just for fun. 

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