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Okay, we might've gone a bit overboard with our dresses... but we look fabulous! The makeover really helped calm Megan and Harley down a little. They both looked super hot and ready to show themselves off. Megan put up a bit of a fight getting her dress, claiming that it was too short, but the girls and I talked her into it.

By the way, I like Ethan. I picked my dress out with him in mind. He loves to stand out, so I thought I'd get a dress that stood out from the rest of them.

Anyway, I was thinking of getting an apartment for the eight of us, and we can all chip in with the rent or something. The only thing holding me back is that then they'll be around me all the time, and I can get quite annoying. I'll have to see what the rest of the group thinks of it.

"Ugh, can we go show them and be done with it? I'm sick of this stupid long skirt, it's getting in my way!" Harley complains, pouting.

"Yeah! I'm sure that this shows off too much skin!" Megan agrees.

"Oh suck it, it'll all be over once we get the boys that we want." I told them, "I have a perfect match list. Wanna hear it?" Without even waiting for a response, I listed, "Harley and Justin, Maddie and Jay, Megan and Tom, and me and Ethan! Isn't that just perfect!"

No one complained, but Maddie exclaimed, "How do you know that I like Jay!"

The rest of us laugh and Megan says, "Come on Mads, you blush every time someone mentions him!"

Maddie blushes and we laugh again.

Harley checks the time, "Wow! We should really get to Justin's! It's 3:00 already!"

"Shit, we were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago." I giggle, checking my phone to see 12 missed notifications from Ethan. "Guys, check your messages, I have a lot of missed notifications from Ethan!"

"Omg! Tom texted me 10 times and called me 8 times!" She giggles too.

Soon, all four of us are having a laughing fit, and the door to Megan's room bursts open, revealing the four boys.

"WTF?! Guys! You could have broken my door!" Megan squeals, directing her sentence towards Justin who had opened the door.

"Sorry," He told her sheepishly, "You guys didn't show up and we couldn't wait to see you." The rest of the boys were gaping at us, but we were hiding Harley as a trick. "Where's Har?" Justin asks.

"Oh who knows, we left her at the mall!" Maddie says and the girls burst out laughing again.

"WHAT!? You just left her there!?" He squawks.

"We were just joking, turn around," I instruct. He does as I say and Harley comes out of her hiding place in the large closet.

Long story short, we all got boyfriends.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Hey guys," I start, catching their attention, "What do you guys think of putting money in and getting an apartment together?" They look at me, clearly confused. "Okay, so we'd start off by each getting a job that we can manage along with going to school. Then each of us would put in money, and we could buy a penthouse or something. I'm sure Meg's parents wouldn't mind putting in some money too." They nod along and take a second to consider.

"My parents would be happy to put in a million dollars, and so would I. I have enough money from my birth parents already!" Megan tells us, we give her questioning looks, "My birth parents left me billions of dollars on a fund for me, it activated when I was thirteen and I only found out a couple of years ago." She shrugged.

"So... let me get this straight... your adoptive parents gave you trillions of euros... and your birth parents gave you billions of dollars?" Maddie manages.

Megan nods, "I have way too much money."

"No shit sherlock!" I exclaim. We laugh again and they all agree.


"Okay, this is the last fucking apartment I'm looking at today!" Jay whispers.

The eight of us have been looking at apartments for the whole day, and we're pretty tired. This is obviously the last one, and we can't seem to find the right one.

The apartment that we're looking at is a penthouse and has ten bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, 2 floors, 1 kitchen, and 2 living rooms. It's also part of the most luxurious apartment buildings, so it has an arcade, a mancave, a she-room, a movie theater, and a nursery, (For unknown reasons). The more we toured the house the better it got. We stayed there for an hour, before deciding to buy it.

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