| O.M.G |

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Megan POV-

I've been here for about a week now, and it's actually pretty nice! The only thing is, is that I'm lonely. Today, after eating most of the food that was already here this week, I decided to finally go to the store. 

I walked out of the house and made my way to the bus stop, telling him that I needed to go to the store. First, I went into a clothing store, buying some stuff with the bills I had brought with me. Next was the food, I walked over to the grocery store and bought only the things I needed. 

When I got back home, there was a car there. My parent's car...

Shit, I forgot they always came here before Christmas! They'd see my stuff and know that I was there!

Suddenly, my mom came out the door and saw me. 

"MEGAN GRACE CHURCHILL! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" My mom yelled out. I winced at her tone and her eyes softened, remembering that I had a lot of pressure on myself already.  "Oh my GOD Meg... when Tom called me and said you left..." A tear escaped her eyes as we walked closer to each other. 

"I'm sorry Mom... but I was putting all of them in danger by being there..." I whispered. 

Mom hugged me tight once we got to each other, and I hugged back. 

"You scared us so bad... I thought he had taken you again..." She said into my ear. 

"I'm fine... but I guess you're going to tell me to go back?" I asked, knowingly. 

"Yup! Use that fancy teleportation thing you can do!" I guess by the look on my face, she could see my question, so she just said, "You can't drive, and we're pretty far away from home..."

So, that's how I ended up on Tom's bed at 2 am. 

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