| WHY? |

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*Harley POV*

I was with Justin when we heard the scream. 

I knew that scream. 

It was Lyla's heartbroken scream. 

I jumped out of the chair I was settled in with Justin on my heels. We entered where the scream had come from, Megan's room. Lyla was standing next to a note, Tom was with her, on his knees before the desk.

"Tom? Man, what's up?" Justin asked Tom, going over to him. 

I marched over to Lyla and took the note off the table. My knees grew weak as my eyes scanned the words, and soon Justin had to jump to catch me. 

"Guys, what's going on? We heard a scream." Maddie asked as she comes in with Jay and Ethan behind her. 

Ethan rushed over to Tom, them being closer than any of the other boys were with him. Justin then took the note from my trembling fingers and read it with Jay and Maddie looking over his shoulder. 

"No," Maddie whispers, "Why would she leave?" 

Tom got up with Ethan's help. After making sure he was okay, he quickly walked over to Lyla, taking her in his arms. 

"She said something about keeping us safe, what if the man that took her when she was three contacted her?" Jay thinks, rubbing Maddie's shoulders from behind. 

"She had a really bad nightmare last night, I wonder what it was about. She didn't want to tell me, I should've been more persistent." Tom says quietly. "Could- Could you guys go away for a few minutes? I'm going to take a nap in here." 

"Yeah sure man, we'll wake you for supper." Justin pipes up, getting that he needed some space. 

The rest of us walked out of the room and sat down in the living room. 

"You girls okay?" Jay asks. 

"Yeah, you guys were like sisters," Ethan says. 

"I just don't understand why she left, I thought she was happy now," Lyla whispers. She and Megan had been closer than she and I, their guardians being super close. "Um-" Lyla says quietly, "She has something that she's hiding... I don't know what it is, but it's really important. She told us that we were the only reason that she was still alive, then stumbled back a few minutes later."

"Wait... OMG!" Maddie exclaims, "You were shocked right? And like, super sad?" Lyla nods hesitantly, "I think I know! Okay, so she..." Maddie starts mumbling to herself and we all try to hear what she's saying, and failing.

"Yeah, sorry Mads, but no one understands-" Justin speaks up, only to get shushed by Maddie.

Maddie orders a notebook and I immediately grab one from the shelf, handing it to her. She takes a pencil out of her hair 

making it all fall out and land on her shoulders

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making it all fall out and land on her shoulders. Maddie starts to pace as she writes, and we just sit there, waiting to be told if our best friend was dead or alive. 

Hey guys! 

I'm trying to get as many chapters as I can before I go skiing in a couple of weeks! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the chapter!


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