Buck's Party

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I take a quick shower and dry off. I rub my hair dry and brush it.

I wear a tight purple sequin dress with a sleek black bottom and a chevron design on the bodice. I grab a pair of purple peep toe heels and admire my outfit in the mirror.

I put on a bit of make up and purple eye shadow to finish off the look. Putting my thick black hair in a tight pony tail and curling the ends. I walk out of my room and get a few wolf whistles from the boys. Darry walks in and then frowns at my outfit.
"Where are you going looking like that?"
"Slut!" Steve shouts from across the room. I roll my eyes.
"Buck's having a party."
"You're going alone?" Darry questions.
"No! I'm going with Dally." A few jaws drop in surprise.
"Pff, you'd be better off alone." Soda comments and takes a sip of his Coca-Cola. Wait....isn't that cannibalism?
"Have some faith. Dally can protect me." I retort.
"Well, just be careful. Dally is an unpredictable character." Darry warns.
"Thanks dad." I hug him and wait outside for Dally.
"About time." I scold as he approaches the porch.
"So I'm a little late." He shrugs, swinging open the gate.
"Yeah 20 minutes late!" He chuckles.
"Well, you look hot."
"Thanks. You look the same as always."
"Yeah wouldn't bother dressing up."
"Wow. That hurt." I put a hand over my chest and pretend to sniffle.
He links his arm around mine.
"Wait... We're walking?" I inquire and he nods his head curtly.
"Isn't it dangerous?" A wild gleam flashes in his eyes.
"That's the fun part. You know how I'm always looking for a fight. If any boy talks to you, I'll take out 5 teeth." He grins and I roll my eyes.
"Are you getting drunk tonight?" I ask. Stupid question.
"Girl, I'm gonna get totally faded. You'll have to haul me home." He smirks and takes out a cigarette.
"Can I take a drag?" He hands me the cancer stick.
I crouch down and rub it in the dirt.
"The hell is wrong with you? You said you'd take a drag!" He yells.
"I did. I dragged it across the ground." I smile sneakily. "I'm like a genie. You have to be specific."
"And you're magical." He winks and my cheeks bloom a crimson shade of red.
I hold my bare arms forgetting that it is a 45 degree April night.
"You cold?" I nod as my teeth threaten to chatter.
He hands me his jacket and I drape it over my shoulders gratefully.
"How cliché." He holds me in his arms.
"You love it."
"And you love me." I reply and he chokes up. He literally freezes. I know I have crossed the line. Damn it, that was too forward.
"I uh... Didn't. I shouldn't have.. I'm sor-"
"Shut up." I am so offended right now.
"Just shut up ok?" I don't want things to be awkward. So I attempt at cracking a joke to make him smile.
"Is someone afraid to confess their feelings?" His face twists in anger. I made it worse didn't I?
"I said shut up!" His voice cracks and he rips the jacket from my shoulders and briskly walks faster. Away from me. He wants to get away from me.
My arms are met by the harsh cold at the absence of the leather. His smell is gone. His aura that would make my heart race is gone. I walk to the party alone.
I am hit with the strong scent of alcohol. I almost choke on the sickening vapors of Hooka that permeates the space. Neon lights line the walls and the scene remind me of a bowling alley. There is a counter that seems like you could rent shoes there. And the carpet has a simple design of rainbow squiggles on it.
Some people snuck in their own recipes of moonshine.
I make my way over to the counter and a girl about my age is serving drinks.
"Hey." I greet.
"Hey, I'm Carly."
"Alex. I'll have a can of beer."
"Aren't you a little young to drink?"
"Aren't you a little young to be making drinks?"
"Touché. Well I'm Buck's sister so I have some authority. And he made some pretty convincing fake ID's." She explains as she opens the refrigerator.
"Here." She slides it across the marble counter top. I pop the tab and take a sip.
"Tastes like bread." She giggles
"It's got yeast in it." I nod. Whatever that is.
"How old are you Carly?"
"16, you?"
"15, only til' May 3rd!" She nods in approval. "When's your birthday?"
"September 20th." She replies cooly.
"I'll see you round Car." I wave and continue sipping my bread drink.
I finish the can and throw it in the trash. I see a body slumped in the corner. Dally.
I turn away from him and decide to dance to the Beatles new song, "I Wanna Be Your Man" I love this song. I get lost in the beat and out of nowhere, a finger taps my shoulder. I turn around and brush the hair out of my face.
A boy with short blond hair and deep blue eyes is smiling at me. Not a Dally-smirk. A real genuine smile. I like this guy already.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"Brendan. You?"
"How old are you?"
"I wanna be your man!" The voice blares in the background. His warm hand interlocks with mine.
"May I dance with you?" I nod and my face reddens like I just ate 5 Jalepeno peppers.
Another song comes on which I'm not familiar with. A slow song, soft and melodious. I lean my head on his chest and snuggle under his chin.
He wraps his arms around me and we sway to the music.
I look over to see the drunken Dally making out with a girl; Carly.
I tear my eyes away from them and try to forget them by wrapping my arms around his neck. After a few more songs, he takes me aside and whispers in my ear.
"I really like you Ale-"
His warmth is ripped from my arms and an angry Dally punches him in the jaw. I hear a sharp crack and he crumples to the ground, knocked out cold. My eyes widen and I pull Dally aside.
"What the hell was that for Dal?"
"I said I'd knock out 5 teeth." He giggles.
"Ugh, you're drunk."
"Why are you mad?" I roll my eyes.
"We'll talk about this later." I drag him up the stairs to his bed. I rather ungracefully throw him into the mattress. I pull the covers over him.
"I'm mad because you knock out the boy that I am with when you're over there kissing Carly!" I run my fingers through my hair.
"I like you Dally!" I scream. "I do." I imagined our wedding for a bit and then feel a warm hand on my arm.
Soft chocolate eyes grasp mine.
"I like you too, Al." He grins and pulls the covers down to sit up.
"You don't know what you're saying Dal. You don't like me." I chuckle sadly to myself.
"You like Carly." I insist and his eyes darken.
"You are really dumb aren't you?"
"You accuse me of liking Carly because I was kissing her. But when you are about to make out with lover boy over there, you act like its nothing!" I sit on the bed next to him.
"YOU ACT LIKE THIS DOESNT HURT ME!" He yells, his voice cracking and he hits the bed next to me.
"It hurts me too. That you could forget me so easily by kissing another girl. You don't know how I feel about you!"
"The same goes for me." We were on the same level. Eye to eye, neck and neck in the race against each other to fall in love.
"I'm sorry Dallas."
"I'm sorry Alexandra."
"Eww don't call me that."
"I can call you whatever I want." He sneers confidently.
"Fine. Then I'll call you.....DALLY WALLY!" His eyes burn with fury and he tackles me. We stop laughing and he stares me in the eyes.
His lips meet mine and we make out for a while. We break apart.
"I have to tell you three serious words. But you won't remember them anyway."
He nods.
"I. Love. You." He pecks me on the lips.
"I have three very serious words too."
"And those are?"
"I'm. Not. Drunk."

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