The Second Side of Hell

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I tug at my rope and Steve stiffens beside me.
"Why did you leave the gang Steve?"
I finally ask after thinking about it all night.
"Well, I don't want to be one of Dally's followers."
"Why did they kidnap me?"
"I ordered them to. It gives me an opportunity to get close to you. And you can't fight back." He touches my arm and kisses my cheek.
"One more question."
"Why are you such a pervert?"
He chuckles at that and gets off the bed.
"Where are we going?" I ask when he abruptly yanks me off the sheet.
"You said that was your last question."
I roll my eyes and he stuffs me into the car.
"This is our first stop and drop."
"What's that?"
"No more questions." They cruise around the neighborhood. So close yet so far to freedom. I wanna roll down the windows and launch myself outside to run away. Unfortunately, my hands are still tied and that would be rather difficult. They point to a boy in the distance. Ponyboy.
They open the car door and shove me out.
"Pony!" I cry desperately. I would run to him, but Steve is holding me still. I want to kick back and have him crouch down in pain while I make a run for it. There are other guys there too. One is hiding behind a bush, probably there incase I attempt escape.
Pony's head flicks to me.
"Alex!" He runs over and then stops a few feet away glaring at Steve. Now I know why he hid behind the bush. I watch in horror as he grabs Pony from behind and drags him into a forest. They drag me along. They tie him to a tree and I watch them repeatedly slug him across the face.
"Stop!" I scream after a little bit.
"Stop just let me talk to him. Just five minutes." I plead and break from Steve's grasp.
"Fine, five minutes." I rush over to Pony's limp body. I untie him and he wraps his arms around me.
"They didn't do nothin to ya did they, Al?" I shake my head no and cry into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Pony! I'm just bait for their trap! I didn't realize before it was too late!" He pats my head.
"Shh. It's ok Al. Soda has been worried sick about you! They're comin, don't worry."
"They may take you too." I sniffle.
"That's a great idea!" Bob shouts from behind me. No! He heard!
They grab us both.
Before we know it, we are shoved into the back of the mustang and driven away.
"I'm sorry Pony! I'm really sorry!"
"It's alright Al. Don't you worry."
"If anything happens, Pony. I love you. I love you so much. You guys took me in and cared for me when no one else would. I love you!" I tightly squeeze him.
"I love you too Al."
I feel them shove me into a basement and Randy is waiting. He removes the rope and I massage my numb and bright red wrists.
"Now what?"
"Well we tortured that boy a little."
"WHY?!" I shriek at Randy. "HE DIDN'T DO NOTHIN TO YOU!"
"Just for fun."
Oh he is going to regret untying me! I lunge at him and hold him down by the neck. I'm still wearing my wedges. My rather high wedges. I dig the heel into a place where it hurts. He yells out and I punch him in the face. He is stunned and in agony. I take the opportunity to jump in the air and bring my knee down on his face. Luckily 115 pounds can knock him out. What to do with him???
I roll his body to the side of the room. I hear a jingling. Keys!
I grab his set of keys. They all have orange tape around them with a label.
"House" "car" that could be useful. I take the car key off the loop. "SOC'S key" bingo. I grab that. The only one left is "basement" I take that as a precaution. I take his neck and check for a pulse. Good, so I didn't kill the guy, just taught him a good lesson. I unlock the door with the "SOC'S key" and slink down the hall. I hear footsteps and slide the keys into my shoe.
I sit by the wall with my hands behind my back. I had to look vulnerable so I wouldn't be a threat.
Brendan rounds the corner.
"Hey babe, how's it going?" I look away and he takes my chin and forces me to look at him he pecks my lips and I spit in his face. He roars in anger and my hands fly from behind my back. I punch him in the face and knee him in the stomach. I slam his head into the wall. He crumples to the ground, out cold. A feeling of guilt and accomplishment comes over me as I stride past his limp body and towards the door. I sneak out and am almost there when a voice booms behind me,
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Getting away from scumbags like you!" I snap back and he lunged at me. His outstretched hand is met with my slap and let's just say that my shoe print ended up branded onto his forehead.
I swing the car key around my finger.
I get into Randy's car and start the ignition. I have seen it done before. The radio spurts to life and coincidentally, the song is,
"Another one bites the dust, another one's gone, another one's gone." I laugh as I exit the lot and find my way back from what I saw out my window. Thank god I got out. It was hell in there and the Socs were the demons. I guess I'm an angel then. I am about to run to Dally's apartment when I realize....
I take the keys and write a long detailed note about where to go and which keys to use. Oh Dally please find me! I set them down on the sidewalk hoping someone will find it. Good thing I did because as soon as I was done writing the note, I heard Brendan and Bob searching for me.
Hint hint:dally doesn't find them.

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