Mockery and a Mystery

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I gape at him, scared out of my mind. Holy shit what did I just do?!
Then I realize, he talked flawlessly
And could understand what I'm saying. No slurring whatsoever.
"You faked being drunk?!"
"It's easy to trip everywhere. And I like having your hands on me when you hold me up." He winks and I roll my eyes.
"This is outrageous." I get up from the bed, but he grabs my hand.
"Please, stay. I'm sorry." He rubs circles on the back of my hand. I purse my lips and shake my head.
"I don't want to be another one of your whores." I snap and rip my hand away.
"But you're not. I understand. I can be a douche. But this is different. This is special."
"How?" I put my hands on my hips expectantly.
"Because you're a part of it." He flirts and I blush a bit, inching closer.
"Well, I'm Alex. Regret isn't in my vocabulary."
I grab his collar and brush my lips on his. A warm sensation spreads through me. He holds me around the waist and I giggle because I am the most ticklish person you could ever meet. He stares into my eyes intently, practically begging for a make out session.
"Well I should go." I break the awkwardness of the silence and turn around once I am at the door.
"Thanks for this. I had fun, even though you injured Brendan. Maybe we could hang out some other time." I wink and exit the room.
"How did it go?" Steve raises an eyebrow as I approach the porch.
"It was fun. I met a boy, Dally knocked him out. And yeah, he stayed at his place and I walked home."
I cringe after saying that part. Luckily Steve doesn't acknowledge it.
"Well goodnight." He chirps and heads inside. I stay out on the porch a little while until my arms start to get cold again.
I finally get in pajamas: a dark blue tank top and some booty shorts. I remove all of make up and let my hair down. Quickly, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I have to squeeze from the bottom because Pony is a dick. Yes, some of us have to share toothpaste. disgusting, I know.
I am about to fall into bed when Darry's voice booms through the house.
"Alex. Come in here." I sheepishly creep into the family room.
"Did you walk home from Buck's alone?"
"Yes." I stare past Darry angrily at a goofy looking Steve.
That little rat!
"You know how dangerous it is to walk alone! Especially with those damn Soc's after you! That was stupid of you Al. Just plain idiocy!" One tedious lecture later, I was on top of Steve and beating the shit out of him with a hairbrush. Soda separated us and told us to go to bed. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my own room.
Stupid boys.
I wake up to a giggling group of boys. What?
"What's wrong?"
"Look in the mirror." Two-Bit sneers.
"I would but you broke them all Jackass." I fire back at him and March over to the wall. I have a drawn on mustache and unibrow with black marker.
"STEVE RANDLE!" I scream at the top of my lungs at reach out to strangle the boy.
"You're lucky that Dally isn't here to see you. He would leave you to bang another chick before you could say "Tulsa"." He grins knowing he hit a weak spot.
That's it!
I run up to him and knee him in his nonexistent balls and then I back slap his cheek and punch him in the gut. When he falls over to protect whatever is left of his man parts, I literally kick his ass. He howls and flees to another room in the house.
"The sad part is that it wasn't even him."
Darry comments.
"Then who?"
"I know it wasn't Steve. I woke up at around 7:30 to check on you and you were sound asleep without a mark on your face. Then I went back to my room and Steve was still asleep in the bed near mine." He explains.
"So Steve as an alibi but who could it be?"
"Well, I guess we better have ourselves an interrogation." Darry announces.
Who do you think did it?

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