The DX Key

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I circle the group of boys.
"So, who was it?"
Steve puts his hands in the air in surrender.
"Wasn't me miss." He fakes innocence.
"I was out getting groceries." Johnny shrugs.
"I was asleep already." Announces Pony
"Same," says Two-Bit.
"You know it wasn't me." Soda smooths back his hair.
"I was doing taxes at my desk until 11." Darry explains. That's the most believable answer from the most believable person.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes. I turn around slowly, stopping the boys from standing up.
"Wait. Did anyone stay up past 11?"
"Nope, just Darry." They confirm.
"Darry.....did you hear anyone open my door?"
"No, but I heard footsteps. Figured it was just Soda going to get water."
"How did you know it was Soda?"
"I know my brother's footsteps." He looks at me like I'm crazy for not knowing their brotherly bond.
"Soda is suspect #1!" I announce proudly.
"That's enough for today," I stretch. "Darry, could you make me breakfast?"
"On it." He gets up and heads to the kitchen.
"I want eggs!" I shout.
"Ain't none."
"Ain't none."
"I'll just have breakfast at the Dingo."
"Want some milk?"
"Good cause there ain't none." He slams the fridge closed.
"Wait. Johnny, you went grocery shoppin' didn't you?"
"And you didn't buy bread, butter, eggs, or milk?!" I practically scream.
I grab him by the collar and lead him into a room.
"Use protection!" Steve hollers and I flip him off before slamming the door.
"You lying little bitch!" I cry at him. He looks at me innocently as my face continues to get more and more red.
"So you didn't go to the grocery store?"
"No...BUT I CAN EXPLAIN!" He shrieks as his voice cracks.
"Well, where were you?"
"I was-Alex-you can't tell no one, deal?"
He reaches his hand out. I take it and we shake.
"I-I-I have a girlfriend."
He stutters out. It takes everything that I have to refrain from laughing.
"Y-you? Have a girlfriend?!"
"Yup. Her name's Jasmine."
"Aww. That's so sweet. Can I meet her?"
"Sure. Maybe tomorrow. We gon' have a picnic."
"When I came home last night after our first date, I saw. I saw someone put a marker in a drawer."
"Don't know. But they dropped this."
He slips a card from his Jean jacket pocket.
"This belongs to an employee at the DX."
It was a key to get in to work.
We'll just have to wait until the "marker marauder" returns to look for his key.....
"Thanks Johnny. You're the best!"
I hug him tightly and he hugs back a little.
"Must breathe!" He croaks and I let go.
"Sorry 'bout that." I chuckle.
"Let's go to the Dingo with the boys for a bit!"
"Hey babydoll. What's your name?" Steve attempts at flirting. She rolls her eyes and snaps her gum.
"So that'll be the cokes for you two," she motions towards Two-Bit and I."
"The strawberry milkshakes for ya'll," pointing to Darry, Pony, and Steve.
"And the root beers for ya'll" she gestures to Johnny and Soda.
"Yup." We reply simultaneously.
"She scribbles down something in her note pad and walks away.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I announce and slide out of the booth.
Our food arrives, steaming plates of eggs, bacon, (grits, sausage!)toast, and an omelet for Two-Bit.
We gobble down on our food.
"Hot waitress!" Steve shouts.
"Could you be any more blunt?" I remark sarcastically and roll my eyes.
She walks over obviously irritated.
"What did you put in this strawberry milkshake?" He points to it with a fork.
"It's excellent." He raises his eyebrow.
"These strawberries are frozen to perfection!" He continues.
"Well." She leans over and whispers something in his ear. His eyes fly open and his face crumples in disgust.
"What did she say?" They ask all at once.
Steve shakes his head.
"Oh, I told her to put all of the old gum she could find under the tables into Steve's drink as "frozen strawberries." "
They all start dying of laughter.
He walks frantically through the house, running his fingers through his dark hair.
"Where is my damn key?!"
EricaDiedrichsen929 airheadforairgo

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