Chapter 11

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(Author's Note)

Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating in FOREVER!

I will try to start updating within a week, so the next update should be coming out faster than the others normally would.

Oh, and also, I have noticed a lot of people skipping around on certain chapters, and if you have, please go back and read those chapters.
It may not seem like it, but there are a lot of important details in each chapter, and you should read them it to get this far.

You all are an amazing bunch of people for reading this and sticking with the story, and I love you all.❤️

I previously promised a double update and obviously, that didn't happen. So the next time I am able to update, be expecting not one, but two chapters.


"I think that, I can't get enough of you."

Those words Kian had spoken to me with that sexy, flirtatious voice of his, was enough to make my heart flutter inside my chest. Not only that, but Kian said that he loved me. Kian Robert Lawley, saying that he loved me? Paige Dürr - don't judge, its German. Having this clarification makes me feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer have to worry about where me and Kian stand, because at this point, I think its pretty obvious.

I've never imagined what it would feel like to have a long distance relationship. My whole life, I stayed pretty local as far as dating goes. But now, that is going to change. The only problem that I am going to have with the relationship, is the fact that I wont see Kian in person.

Sure, there is the luxuries of having an iPhone so that I can FaceTime him. And there are other devices that we can use to see each other. But being that Kian is a busy man with a tight schedule, there really wont be any dates, or times when we can just be alone together.

And then there is the fact that Kian lives in California. He is 2,608 miles away from me, so how could I ever expect there to be time for us to be together?

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I plopped down onto my bed.

I don't know if I am overthinking all of this, but I know that even if I don't want to contemplate these heart-breaking thoughts now, I am going to have to in the future. I mean, this whole relationship depends on it. And if I am apprehensive about it, then who's to say Kian's not?

I willed the tears in my eyes to disappear and pulled the hot mess that is myself together.

I can't let all this doubt effect the way I feel about Kian. I shouldn't focus on the things keeping me from him. I should instead enjoy all the time that I will be able to spend with him.

And, I don't know, maybe in the future, I will be spending every second of my life with the man I care about.
Yeah I know, I sound ridiculously out of my mind. After all, it was just the other night that Kian and I became an official couple. I may be in over my head, but hey...a girl can dream, right?

Yeah, I sound so crazy at the moment. But ya' know what? I don't give a shit.

I am going to make a pact with myself right here and now, that no matter much I may lust and thirst for Kian, that I wont let it upset me in the slightest bit. If I want a relationship to be possible between us, then I am going to have to stay strong.

* * *

I sat there, staring at my phone screen.

It was almost ten o'clock at night, the time that Kian called me. Over the past week, Kian has gotten into the habit of calling me every night, and I'm not exactly sure why, but it has always been at around the same time. Or, at least I think it has. Ha ha, I mean, it's not like I am keeping track. I could care less when he calls me.

Another minute has gone by; its 9:58 now. I swear if this boy does not call me within the next few minutes...

Okay, I need to take a few deep breaths and calm down.

I took the deep breaths and then went back to staring at my cell phone with beady little eyes.

Another minute passed and I turned away from the phone, sighing dramatically as I rolled away from the phone...and onto the floor.

My body slammed into the cold and welcoming hard-wood floor.

How wonderful..

Moaning in pain and frustration, I pulled myself up just as Katie barged through the door, "What the hell was that bang?!"

I looked up to find Katie standing there in nothing more than a bathroom towel, her hair was sloppily scrunched up about her face, and there was foam bubbles all over her head; it was obvious that she had come rushing to me from the shower.

"It was nothing Katie. I-I'm fine." I said as I plopped back down on my bed.
Katie didn't look very convinced, and she was about to say something else when my phone began to ring.

I grabbed the phone.
"Okay, you can go now! I'm fine, I swear!" I said and practically shoved Katie out the door before slamming the door shut and locking it.

No offense to Katie, but this is the only time that I get to talk to Kian, and I don't want any one bothering me when I do. I cleared my throat and answered the phone, "Hello babe," I said in a very flirtatious manner.

"Excuse me?"

Okay, so this was definitely not the voice I was expecting to hear upon picking up the phone. It was a female voice. A very rude one I might add.

Maybe this lady has the wrong number?

Well that sounded like a good excuse for some girl to call me. But then, why would she answer the phone like that?
And another thing, why the hell would she happen to call me at the exact same time Kian has been calling me every night? Is this just a coincidence? A very strange coincidence?

I remained silent, and instead waited for the girl to speak again. Instead I heard a man's voice a distance away.
And although I could not make out the words he was saying, I knew the voice well enough to know who's voice it was; Kian's.

"Um, who the hell is this exactly?" The question rolled out of my mouth before I could stop it. And once it came out, I regretted ever asking it.

Did I really want to find out who this girl was?

"Uh, how about who the hell are you?"

"I think I asked you first," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. I think I know who you are. You're the little Amish slut that has been flirting with my boyfriend."

Amish slut? This little fucker.
"Look I don't know who the hell you think you are, but the jokes on you bitch. I'm not even Amish."

"Oh really? I heard your prostitute name is Baby Cakes. It's very fitting too. I'm sure your ass is flatter than a plataeu."

"Listen you fuck hole, I want you to crawl back into the fiery pit you came from and burn until your body is ash! But even then you would still be an ugly whore. If Kian is into fucking ogres, than you are perfect for him! Good bye punk fucker!" I screamed into the phone, and then hung up in tears.

My chest hurt with a stabbing pain as if my heart was literally cracking into a thousand peices.

I can't believe I played this little game with Kian. I was probably just a little toy he thought he could use. When he told me he loved me, it was all a lie.
Everything that Kian told me was a lie.

But what was probably the worst part about all of this, was that I couldn't bring myself to stop loving him.

I could barely breathe I was so utterly and completely broken. I fell onto my bed and cried histerically, hoping that my loud sobs would drown out the ringing of my phone.

Eventually I turned the phone off altogether and just laid there crying in my dark room.

"I think that, I can't get enough of you"

Kian's words, once the sweetest sentence I had ever heard, played through my mind. Now, they are what will destroy me.

Can't Get Enough of You (Kian Lawley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now