Chapter 6

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(Kian's POV.)

"Kian.... why did you bring me in your car? What are you planning big boy?" Paige said, and I blushed as she stared at me with an intense, seductive gaze.

"Would you stop that! I am trying to drive here," I said, somehow knowing that it wouldn't be enough to get her to shut up.

"Oh come on! Don't act like I don't know what you are planning. And to think, after the first date too!"

Oh god.

She thought I wanted to.... y'know, 'do it'. I mean I kinda do, but not right now, especially not after our very first date. Okay, so that comment probably made me seem a little perverted, and... maybe just a tad bit horny, but in my defense, I did drink three beers... so yeah, sue me for thinking dirty. I mean, every guy does at some point, right?

"What kind of guy do you think I am?"
I said after a while, turning my head to glance over at her, and I was unable to keep the smirk from spreading across my face. I was curious to know if she would really tell me what she thought, and it surprised me when she didn't give me an answer as fast as I thought she would. Instead, she turned her head to look out of the car window, her eyebrows scrunched together as if she was contemplating how to answer my question, which I found to be really amusing.

I chuckled to myself before reverting my gaze back onto the road, and it was a couple minutes later before Paige finally turned towards me.

"W-why should I have to answer that question?" was the huffed reply I got, and when I glanced over at Paige from the corner of my eye, I saw that her cheeks were slightly flushed and she had folded her arms across her chest.

I couldn't help but laugh at the adorable sight. Which only seemed to make Paige even more upset with me.

"Hey! Don't laugh," she said, her voice sounded slightly irritated, "Where are we going anyway Kian?" she soon said, changing the subject.

"Well, since I have no clue where you live, I am taking you back to the hotel I am staying at," I answered honestly.

Yeah I know its probably not one of my brightest ideas - to bring a drunk girl back to my hotel room - but what choice do I have? I mean, its not like I could just allow her to drive home. And she wouldn't tell me where she lives, so I can't take her to her house even if I wanted to.

"W-wow really?! I mean, before when I talked about sleeping together I was just joking, but... if you really want to do this, then I guess I have no choice but to please you, big boy." she said, and once again she had taken on a seductive tone as she mishceviously smirked at me.

"Wait a second! When did I say that we were going to be 'sleeping together'? Just because I am taking you into my hotel room, doesn't necessarily mean that I want to... to have sex with you," I said and did my best to try and avoid her gaze as she contiued to stare at me like at any moment she was going to leap out of her seat and eat me.

I seriously have got the feeling that this was going to be a long and excruciatingly tempting night, but I was just going to have to somehow get through it.

* * *

(Paige's POV.)

I had woken up with a start.

I was sprawled out on a nice white bed with bright white sheets and blankets wrapped all around my body, and perfectly aligned pillows that rested under my head - which happened to hurt like hell as my brain was pounding against the inside of my skull - and that was when I quickly came to what was quite a scary realization;
the bed I was sprawled across, wasn't my bed.

Nor was this my apartment; for I recognized next to none of the cozy looking furniture and comfortable design scheme that the room seemed to have.

I walked around the large room, observing all the little details and decor that helped to give the room such a homey feeling.

I don't know what had possessed me to start exploring the strange room I was situated in, but the more I looked around, the more I found that I wanted to observe, and I had just opened the door to what was a huge bathroom - which surprisingly didn't shock me to find - that was somewhere inside of the room when my stomach began to feel... odd and I began to get a foul taste in my now-watering mouth.

Let's just say that I am extremely thankful I was standing in a bathroom at that moment, because the next thing I knew, I was hanging over the toilet bowl and puking my guts out.

I wish at that moment that I had heard the door to the room open, then I probably wouldn't have been as embarrased when Kian walked into the bathroom and watched me vomit into the toilet. When I finally stopped puking and I realized Kian was standing there, my eyes started to burn as embarrased tears threatened to fall out.

Almost immediatly Kian was at my side, gently patting my back and smiling down at me sweetly, a knowing look evident in his eyes.

"Good moring, baby cakes... got a bad case of the hangover do ya'?" he asked... no more like comedically stated as he continued to gently pat my back. I swear, if anyone else had said that, I probably would have slapped them, but when Kian did it, I couldn't help but smile.

There was only one thing - WHOA, HOLD UP! DID KIAN LAWLEY JUST CALL ME BABY CAKES?! - okay... two things that I absolutly needed to find out.

One- What the hell happened last night? Unfortunatly, I have absolutly no memory of last night...except for bits and peices of me and Kian eating together at the King's Pub.

And Two- Why in the fucking hell did Kian call me "Baby Cakes"?!


(Author's Note)

Okay I finally finished the chapter (YAY!) and I am really sorry it took so long to update.

I think you all have noticed that I have now started to write in Kian's POV. and yes that probably will happen more in future chapters.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, then please comment or vote.. it is greatly appreciated... seriously.

Okay bye...for now👋😂.

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