Chapter 3

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After Kian had left, I called Katie and she met up with me at the food court. When she got there, she was pretty pissed off at me for making her search for clothes for hours non-stop, and then turning around and saying that I have already found something else to wear. So we probably sat there at a table in the food court for a good twenty minutes before I was able to get her to forgive me.

Then we left the mall and drove back to our apartment complex in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The whole ride back, I sat quietly in the passengers seat, anticipating the moment Katie asked what I did at the mall while she was busily searching for clothes.

I know that I told her over the phone she would eventually know just where I was and what I was doing, so I figured she would have asked me as soon as we met up in the food court, but that didn't happen, and she didn't bother asking me in the car ride either. I have no idea why, it was the perfect time to do so.

Now I lay down on my bed, staring up at my hand which now hovers above my face. I still can't believe he touched me! I brought my hand down and held it against my mouth to stop myself from squealing as I recalled the feeling of his skin against mine. When I was able to collect myself, I took out my iPhone, and went to look at the new contact. I stared at the seven digit number and wondered if it was legit.

Could Kian have given me a fake? Or was he really willing to give a fan his phone number? I thought to myself.

I heard my room door open and looked up just in time to see Katie walk in.

"Hey," she said to me as she made her way over to my bed.

"Um hi," I soon replied and made room for her so that she could sit next to me.

"So, are you going to tell me what you did today? And why you couldn't just come out and tell me over the phone?" she asked and gazed at me intensly with her big hazel eyes.

"Well.. um i-its because, I kinda, sorta met a guy." I said awkwardly as I avoided her gaze and instead stared down at my phone.

"No way! What's his name?" she asked then, and when I glanced over at her she seemed to have calmed down.
"Well, his name.."

Shit what the hell should I say? If I admit to getting Kian Lawley's number, she'll probably think I'm on drugs or something.

"Well, his name is Robert!"
Okay. Technically, I'm not exactly lying. Kian's middle name is Robert, so Katie can't really be mad at me if she finds out that it's Kian I met.

"Robert huh? Thats a cute name, I guess. What's he like?"

"Well, he is tall and skinny, just the kind of guy I go for, and he is really nice and funny." I said, and this time, I wasn't lying at all.

"Oh, and when will you be seeing this Robert again?" she asked, her voice suddenly taking on a playful tone.

"Well, I don't know exactly. But he gave me his number so I could call him any time."

Although it may be a fake.

"Hm, I see. Well, he sounds like the kind of guy I'd approve of, so I suppose I don't have to meet him yet -"

"Whoa! Hold on a second," I interrupted her, "what do you mean he sounds like the kind of guy you'd 'approve of'? And who said you could meet him?!"

"You do realize any guy you date needs to have my approval, right? And of course I am going to meet him eventually! Or did you think you could keep his identity from me forever?" she said.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay mom. You will meet him, but... not for awhile."

I suddenly remembered the O2L Meet & Greet and realized that there was no point in arguing with Katie. She would meet him anyway, along with all the other boys from O2L.

Wait a second! I'm going to be at the Meet & Greet as well! So that means I'll see Kian again!

A part of me is happy about this, the fact that me and Kian would be united once again, but another part of me - the more worried part I suppose - is apprehensive. What if Kian thinks that the whole 'accident' at the mall was done on purpose? Will he think I am just a crazy stalker? Or someone that would do anything to have him? Oh my god! What the hell am I going to do then?

I suddenly felt my arm being shaken around violently.

"Paige, did you hear me? Paige! Are you even listening?!"

"Huh? Oh um... what did you say again?" I snapped out of my trance,

"I said, we can talk more about it later, but right now, I am going to go to bed. Ya' know, I have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow!"

"Alright. Goodnight Katie."

"Night," she replied. At this point, she had opened the door to my room, then she walked out, and I decided to go to bed as well.

I got changed into a pair of gray shorts and a white tang top and then flopped back down on my bed, entangling myself in the sheets as I shifted into a more comfortable position.

The very last thing I thought about before I drifted off to sleep is Kian, and what is going to happen when I see him tomorrow.

* * *

I was woken up by the sound of an alarm that I set up on my phone going off, and when it did, I shot out of my bed and ran to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

When I got out I immediately went to the bag with the outfit that I got from the mall and put it on. Then I dried my hair and straightened the curly mess that it became.

After that, I applied a light layer of foundation to my face. Then I lined my top eyelid with liquid eyeliner, and put on mascara. I completed the look by applying a rosy pink eyeshadow to my eyelids and put on some nude pink lipstick.

Once that was done I put on a black pair of heels and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

I was just finishing my cereal when I heard a door open and Katie walked into the room.

"Oh my god! Paige, you look beautiful!"
I felt my face heat up and turned to see Katie standing there wearing a mini skirt and a white blouse.

"So do you," I replied and she smiled.

"Thanks, but seriously you look really pretty." she walked over to the cabinets and eventually pulled out a Special K bar, then she turned back to me.

"Well, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah... we should get going." I quickly answered her question.

We walked out of the apartment and got in Katie's black Honda Civic that sits in our garage. Katie said that she would drive and I got in the passenger's seat. Then she opened the garage door and got in the car. We backed out of the driveway and started heading to the building where the Meet & Greet would be held, which was somewhere in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.


Sorry that I took so long to write this chapter, but I wanted to make it longer because the other two chapters were only a couple pages.

I hope you enjoyed it. Oh and don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story.

Okay...bye for now👋😁

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