Chapter 15

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(Author's Note)

WARNING: Things may get a little hot in this chapter, so I just wanted to make a little dirtiness advisory if you know what I mean.. Yeah it gets very smutty... So don't read if you are uncomfortable with that stuff.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I figured it was about time things were taken to the next level, so here we go!


(Paige's POV.)

"Good morning, love." those words were mumbled behind me as I slowly opened my eyes. With a big yawn, I rolled over and wound up with a face full of chest.

"Wha? Did you say something?" I said, looking up to see the one and only Kian Lawley smiling down at me.

"I said good morning."

"Really? It's still morning?" I said, quite surprised. Normally I sleep for practically the whole day and wake up late in the afternoon.

"Well, no. It's actually like 5:00 P.M., but it's the morning for us." Kian stated with a laugh.

"Oh right. You sleep all day, right?"

"Most of the time. And you?"

"Well only when I can, but yeah. I sleep the whole day away."

Kian brought his hand to my face and caressed my cheek before leaning in for a kiss. He gave me a soft and playful peck, but when he tried to pull away I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and brought him back in, deepening the kiss. I felt something wet slide across my bottom lip and opened my mouth the slightest bit to allow him access. He felt around my mouth a little bit and then pulled his tongue out only to bite my bottom lip afterwards. He gave me one more demanding kiss that gave me goosebumps before pulling away once again.

I was so tempted to hop on top of him and continue, but before I could, Kian sat up and walked towards the bedroom door.

Oh shit. Did I do something wrong?

I sat up on the bed as Kian reached out for the doorknob and turned the lock.

"Kian, what are you doing?"

"Just making it so that no one barges in." he said with a smirk as he made his way back to the bed.

He hopped on the foot of the bed and began to crawl his way towards me, that naughty-looking smirk never leaving his face. Soon his face was inches away from mine and he grinned before pushing me down on the bed. My legs were spread apart as he made his way in between them and he looked down at me with eyes full of lust.

I almost cried right then and there, staring up at him like that. I know, it's silly of me to cry. But the way he looked at me, it made me feel so happy. In that moment I realized just how much he wanted me. And being loved like that was more than my heart could take.

Although Kian's eyes told me he wanted nothing more than to rip my clothes off and have his way with me right then and there, his actions told me otherwise. Instead of continuing to enshroud my lips with his in a desperate manor, demanding me to give him more; his lips were pressed against mine in the most gentle of ways. He rubbed his hand back and forth on my thigh, causing my whole body to tingle. It was so romantic, the way he took his time with me. He seemed to be in no rush to get inside my pants. I suppose it was because either way, he knew I was his, and that I would give myself to him in a second if that is what he wished. And now that I think about it, I guess he would too. I mean, after everything that's happened between us, I should know just how much he returns my feelings.

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